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tamoadmin 2024-05-15 人已围观

简介你敢说你书上的生词全都能倒背如流?!倒写如流!3500足矣!相信我 词汇量多少并不重要 而在于你能否将这3500个词汇的所有意思 、用法牢牢掌握 在不同的语境下依然能运用自如 英语考得不是你的记忆水平 特别是高考英语 它考的是一种对这种语言的感知能力 即语感 还有就是对英语的初级鉴赏能力(这主要表现在完型填空上)以下是我个人学英语的经历加方法1.词汇 相当重要 高三时我的英语成绩还是70多分 二模



3500足矣!相信我 词汇量多少并不重要 而在于你能否将这3500个词汇的所有意思 、用法牢牢掌握 在不同的语境下依然能运用自如 英语考得不是你的记忆水平 特别是高考英语 它考的是一种对这种语言的感知能力 即语感 还有就是对英语的初级鉴赏能力(这主要表现在完型填空上)


1.词汇 相当重要 高三时我的英语成绩还是70多分 二模时,我就请假回家努力背了八天英语课文 然后二模考了120

这还没有结束 因为题比较简单 但也提升了信心

结果当年高考才考了90 因为底子差 高考题就专门为难底子差的人 于是我发现单纯的背单词还不够

2.语感 补习开始了 我决定开始练习语感 怎么练呢 记住永远不要用自己的口音去主观臆断的念课文 也就是说你在没有听到标准的英语前不要自己瞎念

这就要你多听英语课文 模仿他的口音 多看英语** 从语境中模仿演员的语气


就这样 我的成绩还是在125左右徘徊

3.做题方法 这一点很重要,主要是我有一个好英语老师 她教我们的就是“排除加联系”

尤其是上下文联系 做完型时你首先要明确完形填空考的就不是基础 它是一篇地地道道的着

英语文采的文章 而它的文采就体现在它的上下文联系上 因此上文有的词下文有可能会出现。

4.心态 要随时带着“我喜欢英语,不论错多少,我只是为了能准准确确学会它”的心态

so,今年高考我的成绩还不差 阅读没有错 完型错两个 总分133

不知能否对你有帮助,I just want to say "wish you luck".上)真诚的希望你能进步!!


There was a time when I was addicted to playing computer games, unwilling to spend time on study. I was so absorbed that I did poorly in study. Luckily, it was my friend Li Lei that noticed my problem and managed to prevent me from playing computer games. In addition, he encouraged me to take part in some outdoor activities. Eventually, I succeeded in quitting my addiction and devoted myself to study.


Helen Keller, who was deaf and blind, managed to become one of the most successful writers in the world. As a child, she learned to spell and recognize word by word with the help of her teacher. She overcame a great many difficulties to be able to read and write barely with her ffingers. It was her perseverance and insistance that enabled her to become one of the greatest women in the world.


There was a time when I got tired of study. Unable to concentrate on my study, I often blanked out when reading a book. Luckily, it was my partner who pointed out that it was mostly due to my lack of motivation and aim. She encouraged me to find a goal, such as attending a key university or performing well in the coming exam. Thanks to her, I regained my confidence and worked hard on my study.


Once I failed in an important competition. I was so upset that I began to doubt myself. "Am I too stupid? Am I not good enough to catch up with others?" One day, I watched a movie called Forest Gump. I was moved and inspired by Gump's insistance and optimism, therefore deciding that I should move on. I began to pick up confidence and gradually, I made great progress.


There was a time when my team was asked to accomplish an assignment by my teacher. Not knowing how to do it, some of us worked separately while others just stood aside watching. Gradually, those hard workers began to complain and those lazy ones continued to resist. Luckily, it was my teaher who noticed our problem and showed us how to cooperate as a united team. After dividing ourselves and assigning tasks clearly, we set about working immediately and finally, we were the first to accomplish the task and did it well.


There is an English proverb which says (saying) “Honesty is the best policy.” It signifies the importance of honesty.

What are the benefits of honesty? If you are honest to others, they will be honest to you in return. When you are sad, they will comfort you. When you are in trouble, they will help you.

There is no enumerating the evils of dishonesty here. In a word, a dishonest man will be looked down upon by others and (be) regarded as a public enemy.





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