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tamoadmin 2024-09-18 人已围观

简介1.江苏省2015高考英语试卷难吗2.2015高考英语阅读题get up late early什么意思3.2015高考英语作文二卷去敬老院范文 假如你是李华,要请你的朋友露西去敬老院江苏省2015高考英语试卷难吗我是扬州的考生~今年高考真的不是很简单那、根据我自己考试的情况 具体解释如下、语文说是简单、但是翻译和古诗是一点余地没留!!那么难……所以其实没有简单到哪里去、数学我就不说了、做到19 2


2.2015高考英语阅读题get up late early什么意思

3.2015高考英语作文二卷去敬老院范文 假如你是李华,要请你的朋友露西去敬老院



我是扬州的考生~今年高考真的不是很简单那、根据我自己考试的情况 具体解释如下、语文说是简单、但是翻译和古诗是一点余地没留!!那么难……所以其实没有简单到哪里去、数学我就不说了、做到19 20简直崩溃!!多少考生苦着脸出的考场、毕竟是葛军审的啊、但是基础题还是在前面还是占不少的,填空题做的还不错,解答题一开始就不好后面更恐怖!!英语我个人觉得难度还是有的、但我比较擅长英语、从我考下来的情况来看、试卷质量还是相当好的、因为我南通二模卷109、这份卷子做下来只有100左右、感觉不是很好 就是这样 以上~

2015高考英语阅读题get up late early什么意思


late early 可能是有意为之,是late or early 或者early or late 都是迟早的意思。也许这样写,就为了迷惑考生,中国考英语历来这样。

2015高考英语作文二卷去敬老院范文 假如你是李华,要请你的朋友露西去敬老院

My Summer time work at an Old Folks' Home

Since summer I have volunteered at an old folk’s home because I saw how lonely some of the residents were. I volunteered two days a week during the summer, which I have continued. I have learned many things about nursing homes.

During my volunteer time at the old folks’ home, I have taken old folks for walk and read them letters from their children. We also have birthday parties and exercise days.

I have had many good experiences volunteering at the old folks home. My volunteer experience has shown me that I can bring joy to older people. Everyone will have to face having parents and grandparents growing older and becoming dependent on their children. Dealing with this situation has made me a stronger and more caring person.

文章标签: # 英语 # 高考 # 试卷