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简介1.2006上海高考数学 英语试卷和答案2.2018年11月浙江高考英语阅读B篇分析3.高考英语填考题的技巧4.广东高考英语试题个全国卷英语试题有什么不同5.高考英语阅读理解蒙题大法6.英语语法填空题答题技巧7.山东春季高考英语试题2017及英语高考模拟试题(2)七校联考高三英语试卷命题人:晏云星 审题人:郑寨明第一卷第一部分:听力(30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请

1.2006上海高考数学 英语试卷和答案









命题人:晏云星 审题人:郑寨明





1.What’s the total price of the two rooms for two nights?

A. More than 160 pounds B.45 pounds C. 90 pounds

2.Where are the two speakers?

A. In a market B. In an office C. In a field

3.How many stories is jenny going to read next term?

A. Two B. Seven C. Five

4.What does the man really want to do?

A. Read the advertisement B. Look for a job C. Five

5.What’ s the time now?

A. 8:30 B. 8:00 C. 9:00




6. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a school. B. In a shop. C. In a teacher’s office.

7. What’s the woman?

A. A new teacher. B. A worker. C. A new student.


8. Why can’t the woman go to the movies?

A. She has to review her lessons.

B. She has seen the movie before.

C. She doesn’t want to go with the boy.

9. What does the man think of the woman?

A. She never studies hard.

B. She used to study well.

C. She couldn’t pass the exam.

10. Why does the woman feel nervous?

A. The exam will be difficult.

B. She hasn’t studied for a long time.

C. She is always afraid of exams.


11. What is the main topic of the. conversation?

A. The suggestion for Susan.

B. The guitar lessons for Susan’s son.

C. The guitar lessons for Mary Jackson.

12. When is the woman going to take her lessons?

A. On Monday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Friday.

13. How much will the woman have to pay for her lessons each time?

A. 8 dollars. B. 6 dollars. C. 4 dollars.


14. What did the couple buy?

A. Some honey. B. A television. C. A telephone.

15. Where is Jack’s brother?

A. In the store. B. In Jack’s house. C. In his own house.

16. How is the woman going to the office?

A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By taxi.

17. What is the man going to do tonight?

A. Watch a TV show. B. Do some cooking. C. Call his wife.


18. What can we learn from the text?

A. It is sunny in the morning there.

B. The radio station is in Santa Monica.

C. The radio station is owned by English Corner.

19. What will the weather be like at noon?

A. Rainy. B. Cold. C. Windy.

20. What can we learn about the beach in Santa Monica?

A. It is a good place for parking cars. B. It is a good place for eating. C. It has the best coffee shop.




21.- Did we get good seats for the game?

w- ?I’m just happy to be here.

w-Well, but I don’t want to sit too far from the field.

A. What do you mean. B. Who cares. C. What would you say. D. Why don’t you say it earlier.

22. We are having our daughter’s wedding at the end of the summer. Do you think you ?

A. can see it. B. can make it. C. can see to it. D. can make that.

23.- Mary has fallen ill again.

w-It seems that she is unable to herself the climate here.

A. adopt, to. B. adapt, into. C. adjust, to. D. suit, for.

24. Mobile phones have been increasing since the end of last century.

A. to scale. B. in consequence. C. in detail. D. on a large scale.

25. They have to stand all day for five days a week. must be very tiring.

A. It. B. They. C. There. D. Which.

26. Mary could be very good at her studies, but she too much in following the fashion .

A. spends. B. spent. C. was spending. D. had spent.

27. John has always been doing well in that company. During the holiday he went on a trip to Australia,


A. all expenses paid. B. all expenses paying. C. paying all expenses. D. paid all expenses.

28. The stronger the is , the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.

A. acquisition. B. comprehension. C. association. D. motivation.

29. Lily’s mobile phone was left in a taxi accidentally, never again.

A. to find. B. to be found. C. finding. D. being found.

30. When foreigners think of china, they always it with the Great wall.

A. associate. B. advertise. C. attach. D. combine.

31. I have always been honest and pointed, and it doesn’t matter that I’m talking to.

A. who is it. B. it is who. C. who it is. D. it is whom.

32. The twin towers tell down. It a huge piece of chocolate had been melted down.

A. was as if. B. looked like. C. was likely. D. looked as.

33. I’m sorry I can’t spare any ink for you, for, you see, I have myself.

A. nothing. B. no one. C. no. D. none.

34. Researches show that people who smoke a lot are likely to risk their lives, but those who drink a lot are .

A. as twice likely to. B. likely to as twice. C. twice as likely to. D. as likely to twice.

35. As a European, Mary is not to using chopsticks.

A. adapted. B. accustomed. C. suitable. D. willing.


My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling 36 , but I lways knew he was 37 . He never criticized us, but used 38 to bring out our best. He’d say,“If you pour water on flowers, they flourish. If you don’t give them water, they die.”I 39 as a child I said something 40 about somebody, and my father said, “ 41 time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you .”He explained that if I looked for the best 42 people, I would get the best 43 . From then on I’ve always tried to 44 the principle in my life and later in running my company.

Dad’s also always been very 45 . At 15, I started a magazine. It was 46 a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a 47 : stay in school or leave to work on my magazi-


I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision, 48 any good father would. When he realized I had made up my mind, he said,“Richard, when I was 23,my dad 49 me to go into law. And I’ve 50 regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist, 51 I didn’t pursue my 52 . You know what you want. Go fulfill it.”

As 53 turned out, my little publication went on to become student, a national 54 for young people in the U.K. My wife and I have two children, and I’d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad 55 me.

36. A. biologist B. manager C. lawyer D. gardener

37. A. strict B. honest C. special D. learned

38. A. praise B. courage C. power D. warmth

39. A. think B. imagine C. remember D. guess

40. A. unnecessary B. unkind C. unimportant D. unusual

41. A. Another B. Some C. Any D. Other

42. A. on B. in C. at D. about

43. A. in case B. by turns C. by chance D. in return

44. A. revise B. set C. review D. follow

45. A. understanding B. experienced C. serious D. demanding

46. A. taking up B. making up C. picking up D. keeping up

47. A. suggestion B. decision C. notice D. choice

48. A. and B. as C. even if D. as if

49. A. helped B. allowed C. persuaded D. suggested

50. A. always B. never C. seldom D. almost

51. A. rather B. but C. for D. therefore

52. A. promise B. task C. belief D. dream

53. A. this B. he C. it D. that

54. A. newspaper B. magazine C. program D. project

55. A. controlled B. comforted C. reminded D. raised




In every school there is a “top”crowd that sets the pace (起领头作用), while the others follow the example. Let’s say the top crowd decides that it is smart to wear bright red sweaters. There is nothing wrong with that, except the fact that for some people bright red is rather unsuitable. The suitable can even become dangerous, if the top crowd decides that it is smart to drink or to drive cars at seventy miles are e-

ndangering their lives. They are like sheep being led to the slaughter (屠宰).

Now, it is likely that you have come across situations like these more than once in your life. In fact, it is likely that at one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong. You may have excused yourself by saving,“Gee, the crowd does it.”Well, let the crowd do it, but don’t do it yourself. Learn to say“No”. Develop your own standards and your own judgments. If you know the crowd is pla-

nning something of which you disapprove, have the courage to bow out gracefully. You’ll have the satisf-

action of standing on your own two feet.

56.The main idea of this passage is that .

A. in every school there is a “top” crowd that sets the pace

B. it is unnecessary to follow the “top” crowd blindly

C. at one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong

D. people who follow the “top” crowd are endangering their lives

57. The author disapproves of wearing red sweaters if .

A. the crowd is wearing them B. you can’t afford them

C. you don’t look good in red D. it is against school regulations

58. People who follow the “top” crowd blindly .

A. are rebels B. have no respect for their parents

C. are afraid of the crowd that sets the pace D. sometimes do things against their own judgments

59. The phrase “bow out” may probably mean .

A. give up doing something B. make an excuse C. feel sorry D. be ashamed


Paris, Jan. 11—An armored car (装甲运钞车) robbery last night ended in a wild gun battle that left two men dead and a hostage (人质) seriously wounded.

The drama began when an armored car carrying the contents of sale deposit boxes to a bank was str-

uck by a large truck, the police said.

The bank guard were helpless when the robbers jumped out of the truck and tied them up. They used heavy tools and explosives to break open the armored car.

A passing police car turned to investigate accident as the men were removing the contents of the armored car. The police said the three robbers fled on foot across a nearby highway.

Stopping a private car driven by a teenaged girl, the three headed for central Paris with the police car in hot pursuit (穷追不舍).

A plainclothes (便衣的) policeman saw the car as it drove through the street of the Latin Quarter. The policeman tried to stop the car, but the thieves started shooting at him, the witness said.

The girl hostage tried to slip away. Just as she was crawling away from the car, she was hit by a bull-

et. Police said she was out of danger at Central Hospital.

The gunmen gave up the car and got into a shop, pouring fire on more than 50 policemen who had surrounded the building. After a wild gun battle, the police broke into the room. They only found two of the gunmen, both seriously wounded. The third thief was believed to have escaped with over $1.3 million in cash and jewels.

60. The passage is about .

A. a gun battle between the policemen and the soldiers

B. a bank robbery in Paris

C. a group of gunmen’s rog an armored car in the street

D. how a teen-aged girl got seriously wounded

61. The thieves came and they .

A. in a police car, stole the armored car

B. in a truck; blasted the armored car away

C. in an armored truck; drove the money car away

D. in an armored car; opened the armored car with heavy tools

62. The three robbers fled on foot across a nearby highway because .

A. a passing police car found them B. the explosives were too strong

C. the contents of the armored car were too heavy D. the truck broke down

63. After a wild gun-battle, .

A. the robbers were shot dead

B. the police got back what they wanted

C. the police failed to get back what they wanted

D. 50 policemen were killed and two robbers were seriously wounded


Without fur or hair, most mammals would be pretty uncomfortable. That’s because a furry covering shields mammals’ bodies from the weather, keeping them warm and dry — sort of like your clothes do for you.

Of the 5,000 kinds of wild mammals, only a few are nearly hairless. These creatures developed other ways to thrive comfortably.

Many animals thrive in their near-naked-ness. Elephants, rhinos, and hippos don’t have fur. They all live in hot places, where the trick is to keep cool. Being practically hairless is one way these animals deal with the heat. They use mud, dust, and water to protect their skin from sunburn. Whales spend all of their time underwater. Their body fat keeps them warm, so they don’t need fur coats. Naked mole rats live entirely underground, where the temperature stays warm year-round. No need for hair there!

Hair has a special importance for some animals. If it’s long and colorful, or short and cropped in dif-

ferent shapes, it can attract lots of attention from the opposite sex. Think about that the next time you see a male lion’s mane (鬃毛) at the zoo or a teenager with a spiked (麦穗般的) Mohawk hairstyle at the mall (商业街)!

Some people call humans “naked apes”. That’s not entirely accurate, though. An adult human’s body is covered with about five million hairs—the same number that an adult gorilla (大猩猩) has.

However, human hair is generally shorter and thinner than gorilla hair. You may have to look closely to see the hairs on most of your body.

64. Which of the following uses of the mammal’s hair is not mentioned?

A. Keeping cool. B. Keeping warm. C. staying attractive D. Keeping dry.

65. The reason why a teenager wears a spiked Mohawk hairstyle at the mall may be that .

A. he wants to be friendly B. he wants to draw a girl’s attention

C. it is too hot D. he wants to follow suit

66. What is mainly talked about in the 4th paragraph?

A. The use of a male lion’s hair. B. A special hairstyle.

C. Some special use of the hair. D. The reason for the hair.

67. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Most mammals feel pretty comfortable with their fur or hair.

B. Rhinos, and hippos often live in tropical areas.

C. Gorilla hair is generally longer and thicker than human hair.

D. Humans are“naked apes”.


It is common knowledge that drug abuse (滥用毒品) leads to harmful consequences. Why then do people, particularly youngsters, continue to use drugs? Psychologists claim that there are three basic moti-

vations that influence people to take drugs: curiosity, stress and environmental factors. Sometimes, youn-

gsters take drugs seems to be the“in-thing”for their generation, so they want to know what drugs are like. The trouble is that they do not know that taking soft and seemingly innocuous (无害的)drugs can develop into cravings (渴望) for stronger stuff later on. In some cases, youngsters are depressed or discouraged b-

ecause of problems related to parents, school or the opposite sex. They take drugs to escape from the stress brought on by all these problems. In other cases, the environment is helping to group where other youngsters take drugs, he may soon be tempted to follow suit, for fear of ostracism or non-acceptance.

There is a growing agreement nowadays among social workers and psychologists that the best possible approach to the problem of drug addiction (瘾) among the young is for school authorities, social workers and the Police Narcotics Division (缉毒警察) to work together to provide young people with much-needed education on the effects and dangers of drug abuse. Parents who always scream at their chi-

ldren and nag (唠叨) them about their failings and weaknesses are regarded as unwitting (无心的) drug pushers. As far as young people are concerned, a warm and happy family, wherein members share both joys and sorrows and where children get maximum encouragement and support, is the say that a happy home is a drug-free home.

68. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason why some youngsters take soft drugs?

A. Their parents are drug-takers. B. They wonder what drugs are like.

C. They are disturbed by problems. D. They think that soft drugs are not harmful.

69. Social workers and psychologists hold a common belief that .

A. the Police Narcotics Division should take all the responsibility for the problem of drug addiction among the young

B. parents ought to be educated about the effects and danger of drug abuse

C. young people tend to be addicted to drugs

D. the concerned authorities should join efforts to educate youngsters about the evil consequences of drug addiction

70. A youngster who grows in a community where people around him take drugs .

A. may be tempted into doing the same thing to be accepted

B. may run away from home for fear to be involved in it

C. may be very careful of his choice of friends

D. may also take drugs to suit the trend

71. The best way to prevent youngsters from taking soft drugs is .

A. to issue a ban on the sale of drugs B. to give them a warm and loving family

C. to punish the drug addicts D. to teach them principles


Nowadays more and more foreign enterprises and companies are no longer relying on interviews for employment. Years of studying interviewing have made clear that it is not a very objective process. Perso-

nnel officers often hire the person they like best, or even the one they think most physically attractive. Lo-

oking good is no guarantee (保证) of doing the job well, however. Uglies of those who are aesthetically (审美地) challenged, lose heart.

To get a more objective view, many companies are also using psychological (心理的) tests to hire both for relatively routine jobs and for positions at senior levels of management. It is impossible to say how many employers use tests, but estimates of test sales in the UK for 1993 were over 1 million.

The basic reason employers use tests is clear: tests claim to be scientific and objective. A large body of research has shown that interviews by themselves are not very reliable as a method of selection. Peop-

le’s judgments are often very subjective: whether they like the look of someone counts for more than alm-

ost anything else. But reliable and valid tests can offer rapid and more objective information about a would-be employee. If a candidate talks well in an interview but his test results suggest that he is a carel-

ess person who cannot concentrate, an employer is likely to think twice about hiring him.

Taking a serious test for a job is rather different from taking a game-like test. You can spend just a little in answering questions of that kind of test, and

2006上海高考数学 英语试卷和答案

以下是 为大家整理的关于2014年高考英语试题及答案解析(新课标Ⅱ)的文章,供广大考生查阅!!


英 语





第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband, zxxk Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.

During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport.

He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one. zxxk

Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husband’s name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath.

My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them out, although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents. At last they had seen a half-written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.

That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people. We still remember their kindness and often send a warm wish their way.

1. What did Rashid plan to do after his arrival in Sydney?

A. Go shopping

B. Find a house

C. Join his family

D. Take his family

2. The girl’s parents got Rashid’s phone number from_______.

A. a friend of his family

B. a Sydney policeman

C. a letter in his papers

D. a stranger in Sydney

3. What does the underlined word “restored” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Showed

B. Sent out

C. Delivered

D. Gave back

4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. From India to Australia.

B. Living in a a New Country.

C. Turning Trash to Treasure.

D. In Search of New Friends. zxxk


Since the first Earth Day in 1970,American have gotten a lot “greener” toward the environment . “We didn’t know at that time there even was an environment, let alone that there was a problem with it,” says Bruce Anderson, president of Earth Day USA.

But what began as nothing important in public affairs has grown into a social movement .Business people, political leaders, university professors, and especially millions of grass-roots Americans are taking part in the movement. “The understanding has increased many ,many times,” says Gaylord Nelson, the former governor from Wisconsin, who thought up the first. According to US reports , emissions (排放)from cars and trucks have dropped from 10.3 million tons a year to 5.5 tons .The number of cities producing CO beyond the standard has been reduced from 40 to 9 .Although serious problems still remain and need to be dealt with , the world is a safer and healthier place .A kind of “Green thinking ” has become part of practices .

Great improvement has been achieved .In 1988 there were only 600 recycling programs ,; today in 1995 there are about 6,600 .Advanced lights ,motors , and building designs have helped save a lot of energy and therefore prevented pollution .

Twenty –five years ago , there were hardly any education programs for environment .Today , it’s hard to find a public school , university , or law school that does not have such a kind of program .” Until we do that , nothing else will change! ” say Bruce Anderson .

5 According to Anderson , before 1970, Americans had little idea about ___

A. the social movement

B. recycling techniqueszxxk

C. environmental problems

D. the importance of Earth Day

6 Where does the support for environmental protection mainly come from?

A. The grass –roots level

B. The business circle

C. Government officials

D. University professors

7. What have \Americans achieved in environmental protection ?

A. They have cut car emissions to the lowest

B. They have settled their environmental problems

C. They have lowered their CO levels in forty cities.

D. They have reduced pollution through effective measures .

8. What is especially important for environmental protection according to the last paragraph ?

A. Education

B. Planning

C. Green living

D. CO reduction


One of the latest trend(趋势) in American Childcare is Chinese au pairs. Au Pair in Stamford, for example, has got increasing numbers of request for Chinese au pairs from aero to around 4,000 since 2004. And that’s true all across the country.

“I thought it would be useful for him to learn Chinese at an early age” Joseph Stocke, the managing director of s company, says of his 2-year old son. “I would at least like to give him the chance to use the language in the future,” After only six months of being cared by 25-year-old woman from China, the boy can already understand basic Chinese daily expressions, his dad says. zxxk

Li Drake, a Chinese native raising two children in Minnesota with an American husband, had another reason for looking for an au pair from China. She didn’t want her children to miss out on their roots.” Because I am Chinese, my husband and I wanted the children to keep exposed to(接触) the language and culture.” she says.

“Staying with a native speaker is better for children than simply sitting in a classroom,” says Suzanne Flynn, a professor in language education of Children.” But parents must understand that just one year with au pair is unlikely to produce wonders. Complete mastery demands continued learning until the age of 10 or 12.”

The popularity if au pairs from china has been strengthened by the increasing numbers of American parents who want their children who want their children to learn Chinese. It is expected that American demand for au pairs will continue to rise in the next few years.

9.What does that term” au pair” in the text mean?

A. A mother raising her children on her own

B. A child learning a foreign language at home

C. A professor in language education of children

D. A young foreign woman taking care of children.

10. Li Drake has her children study Chinese because she wants them ______.

A. to live in China some day

B. to speak the language at home

C. to catch up wit other children

D. to learn about the Chinese culture

11. What can we infer from the text?

A. Learning Chinese is becoming popular In America,

B. Educated woman do better in looking after children

C. Chinese au pairs need to improve their English Skills.

D. Children can learn a foreign language well in six months. zxxk


Metro Pocket Guide


Each passenger needs a farecard to enter and go out. Up to two children under ago five may travel free with a paying customer.

Farecard machine are in every station, Bring small bills because there are no change machines in the station and farecard machine only provide up to $ 5 in change.

Get one of unlimited Metrorail rides with a One Day Pass. Buy it from a farecard machine in Metro stations. Use it after 9:30 a.m. until closing on weekdays, and all day on weekends and holidays.

Hours of Service

Open: 5 a.m Mon-Fri 7a.m. Sat—Sun .

Close midnight Sun—Thur.

Last train time vary. To avoid missing the last train, please check the last train time posted in the station.


When paying with exact change, the fare is $ 1.35 . when paying with a smatTripa CARD the fare is $1.25

Fares for the Senior /disabled customers

Senior citizens 65 and older and disabled customers may ride for half the regular fare. On Metrorail and Metrobus, use a senior/disabled farecard or SmarTripa card. For more information about buying senior/disabled farecards, farecard or SmarTripR card and passes, please visit MetroOpenDoors.com or call 202-637-7000 and 202-637-8000.

Senior citizens and disabled customers can get free guide on how to use proper Metrobus and Metrorail services by calling 202-962-1100

Travel tips

. avoid riding during weekday rush periods –before 9:30 a.m. and between 4 and 6 p.m.

. if you lose something on a bus or train or in a station, please call Lost & Found at 202-962-1195.

12. what should you know about farecard machine?

A. They start selling tickets at 9:30 a.m.

B. They are connected to change machines.

C. They offer special service to the elderly.

D. They make change for no more than $5. zxxk

13. At what time does Metrorail stop service on Saturday?

A. At midnight B. at 3 a.m. C. at 5 am D. at 7 p.m.

14. What is good about a SmarTripa card?

A. It is convenient for old people B. It saves money for its users

C. it can be bought at any time D. it is sold on the Internet.

15. Which number should you call if you lose something on the Metro?

A. 202-962-1195 B.202-962-1100

C.202-673-7000 D.202-673-8000



Tips for cooking on a Tight Schedule

From my experience, there are three main reasons why people don’t cook more often: ability, money and time, ____16__Money is a topic I’ll save for another day. So today I want to give you some wisdom about how to make the most of the time you spend in the kitchen. Here are three tips for great cooking on a tight schedule:

1. Think ahead. The moments when I think cooking is a pain are when I’m already hungry and there is nothing ready to eat. So think about of the coming week. When will you have time to cook? Do you have the right materials ready?_____17___

2. Make your time worth it. When you do find time to cook a meal, make the most of it and save yourself time later on. Are you making one loaf of bread? ___18___ it takes around the same amount of time to make more of something. So save yourself the effort for a future meal.

3. ____19____ This may surprise you, but one of the best tools for making cooking worth your time is experimentation. It gives you the chance to hit upon new ideas and recipes that can work well with your appetite and schedule. The more you learn and the more you try, the more ability you have to take control of your food and your schedule.

Hopefully that gives you a good start. ____20___ and don’t let a busy schedule discourage you from making some great changes in the way you eat and live!

A. Try new things. zxxk

B. Ability is easily improved.

C. Make three or four instead.

D. Understand your food better.

E. Cooking is a burden for many people.

F. Let cooking and living simply be a joy rather than a burden.

G. A little time planning ahead can save a lot of work later on.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains. They reached the top __21_____, but on their way back conditions were very _22______. Joe fell and broke his leg. They both knew that if Simon __23_____ alone, he would probably get back _24______. But Simon decided to risk his __25_____ and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope(绳).

As they __26_____ down, the weather got worse. Then another ___27____ occurred. They couldn’t see or hear each other and, ___28____, Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁). It was ___29____ for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up. Joe’s __30_____ was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice. ___31____, after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold, Simon had to __32_____. In tears, he cut the rope. Joe __33_____ into a large crevasse(裂缝)in the ice below. He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain. He couldn’t walk, but he __34_____ to get out of the crevasse and started to ___35____ towards their camp, nearly ten kilometers __36_____.

Simon had ___37____ the camp at the foot of the mountain. He thought that Joe must be __38_____, but he didn’t want to leave ___39____. Three days later, in the middle of the night, he heard Joe’s voice. He couldn’t ___40____ it. Joe was there, a few meters from their tent, still alive.

21.A. hurriedly B. carefully .C. successfully D. early

22. A. difficult B. similar C. special D. normal

23. A. climbed B. worked C. rested . D. continued zxxk

24. A. unwillingly B. safely C. slowly D. regretfully

25. A. fortune B. time C. health D. life

26. A. lay B. settled C. went D. looked

27. A. damage B. storm C. change D. trouble

28. A. by mistake B. by chance C. by chance D. by luck

29. A. unnecessary B. practical C. important D. impossible

30. A. height B. weight C. strength .D. equipment

31. A. Finally B. Patiently .C. Surely D. Quickly

32. A. stand back B. take a rest C. make a decision .D. hold on

33. A. jumped B. fell C. escaped D. backed

34. A. managed B. planned C. waited D. hoped

35. A. run B. skate C. move D. march

36. A. around B. away C. above D. along

37. A. headed for B. travelled C. left for D. returned to

38. A. dead B. hurt C. weak D. late

39. A. secretly B. tiredly .C. immediately D. anxiously

40. A. find B. believe C. make D. accept


第三部分 英语知识运用zxxk

第二节 (共10分;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about __41___ (be) late for school.

There were many people waiting at the bus stop, ___42____ some of them looked very anxious and ___43__

(disappoint) . when the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next ____44___ the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. A boy on a bike ____45___ (catch ) my attention. He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused ____46___

(stop) until we reached the next stop. Still, the boy kept ____47___(ride). He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting. Finally, when we came to the next stop, the boy ran up the door of the bus. I heard an excited conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked,“____48___ anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh, dear! It ‘s ____49___ (I )”. She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully, Five others on the bus began talking about what the boy had done and the crowd of strangers _____(sudden) became friendly to one another.











My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m and ends at 3:30 p.m. They are threezxxk lesson in the morning and two in the afternoon. We didn’t need to do so many homework. Therefore , we have more time with after-school activities. For example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sport for one hour every day.

My dream school look like a big garden. There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom, buildings. We can lie on the grass for a rest, sat by the lake listening music. The teachers here are kind and helpfully. They are not only our teachers but also our friends.

第二节 书面表达 (25分)


1、 家庭

2、 工作

3、 业余生活

注意:1、次数100左右;2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语已为你写好

I often imagine what my life will be like in the future.


英 语


1—5 BCCBC 6—10 ADADD 11—15 ADBBA 16—20 BGCAF

21—25 CADBD 26—30 CDADB 31—35 ACBAC 36—40 BDACB

41. being 42. and 43. disappointed 44. to 45. caught 46. to stop 47. riding

48.did 49. me/mine 50. suddenly

My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. They are three lesson


in the morning and two in the afternoon. We didn’t need to do so many homework.

don’t much

Therefore , we have more time with after-school activities. For example, zxxk we can do reading


for one and a half hour and play sport for one hour every day.


My dream school look like a big garden. There are all kinds of the flowers


and trees around the classroom, buildings. We can lie on the grass for a rest, sat by the


lake listening∧ music. The teachers here are kind and helpfully. They are not only our

to helpful

teachers but also our friends. zxxk

五:one Possible Version

I often imagine what my life will be like in the future. I think my life will be very different in ten years. I will be twenty-eight years old by then. I will have my own family. Probably with a lovely child. I hope I will work in a computer company as a program designer. I will enjoy my work and get along well with my colleagues, I will do a good job in whatever I do. In my free time, I will continue to take regular exercise, such as swimming, running and various ball games. On my holidays, I will travel around the world. In a word, my life will be much richer and more colorful.






第Ⅰ卷 (共105分)


1. 答第1卷前。考生务必在答题卡和答题纸上用钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写姓名、准考证号、校验码. 并用铅笔在答题卡上正确涂写准考证号和校验码。

2. 第1卷(1-16小题. 25-84小题)由机器阅卷, 答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上。考生应将代表正确答案的小方格用铅笔涂黑。注意试题题号和答题卡编号一一对应, 不能错位。

答案需要更改时。必须将原选项用橡皮擦去, 重新选择。答案不能写在试卷上。写在试 卷上一律不给分。第1卷中的第17-24小题和第Ⅱ卷的试题, 其答案写在答题纸上, 如写在试卷上则无效。

I. Listening Comprehension

Part A Short Conversations

Directions: In Part A. you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it. Read the four possible answers on your paper. and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. On March 2. B. On March 3. C. On March 5. D. On March 8.

2. A. At a cinema. B. At an airport. C. At a railway station. D. At a stadium.

3. A. Old castles. B. Hunting games. C. A seaside holiday. D. An adventure.

4. A. By bus. B. By underground. C. On foot. D. By bicycle.

5. A. Go to the movies. B. See a doctor. C. Get some fruit. D. Stay at home

6. A. Car seller. B. Police officer. C. Detective. D. Reporter

7. A. Funny B. crazy. C. Amused. D. P1eased

8. A. They’d better not go riding. B. Riding a bike is a great idea.

C. It’s not good riding in the rain D. They can go riding half an hour later

9. A. There won’t be enough cups left. B. They’ve got plenty of cups.

C. They’re buying what they need. D. They’ve got enough food for the picnic.

10. A. He's unable to finish his homework. B. He can’t give the woman his computer.

C. He's to remove the virus. D. He's infected with some disease.

Part B Passages

Directions: In part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. Some engineers. B. The landlord of the pub.

C. The former employees. D. Some customers of the company.

12.A.Threeyears ago. B. Five years ago. C. Last year. D. This year.

13. A. Why a company lost its customers. B. Why a company went out of business.

C. How a company went from bad to worse. D. How a company got out of its difficult situation

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following report.

14. A. Physics. B. chemistry. C. English Literature. D. Media Studies

15. A. More than 144,000. B. About 147,500.

C. 7.5% of all the test takers. D. 4.6%of all the test takers.

16. A. Few students avoid harder subjects. B. Each subject has the same level of difficulty.

C. Some subjects are more difficult than others. D. Pupils are important to t11e country’s development.

Part C Longer Conversations

Directions: In Part C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in me numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

B1anks l 7 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

Taxi Order Form

Name: John Smith

Time: 5:30 a.m., ___17___, June 8th

To: The ___18___

From: 99 Kent Street, near Carlington ___19_____

Phone Number: ____20____

Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.

Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.

What does the woman complain about? ______21_______

What does the man suggest the woman do first? She should __22__ all the way to the right.

Why is the engineer sent up? He is __23__ for maintaining buildings.

When is it suitable for the engineer to come? ___24___ later.

Complete the from. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

25. —It’s atop secret. —Yes, I see. I will keep the secret _____ you and me

A. with B. around C. among D. between

26. Black holes ______ not be seen directly, so determining the number of them is a tough task.

A. can B. should C. must D. need

27. Send my regards to your lovely wife when you _______ home.

A. wrote B. will write C. have written D. write

28. A typhoon swept across tiffs area with heavy rains and winds_____ strong as 113 miles per hour.

A. too B. very C. so D. as

29. I made so many changes in my composition mat only I could read it. To ____ else, it was hard to make out.

A. none B. everyone C. someone D. anyone

30. A dozen ideas were considered _____ the chief architect decided on the design of the building.

A. because B. before C. whether D. unless

31. Eugene's never willing to alter any of his opinions. It’s no use ____ with him.

A. to argue B. arguing C. argued D. having argued

32. When he turned professional at the age of 11, Mike _____ to become a world champion by his coach and parents.

A. expected B. was expecting C. was expected D. would be expected

33. Energy drinks are not allowed _____ in Australia but are brought in from New Zealand.

A. to make B. to be made C. to have been made D. to be making

34. Russ and Earl were auto mechanics _____ the same pay, but Earl had more ambition.

A. to earn B. to have earned C. earning D. earned

35. One advantage of playing the guitar is _____ it can give you a great deal of pleasure.

A. how B. why C. that D. when

36. The mother felt herself ____ cold and her hands trembled as she read the letter from the battlefield.

A. grow B. grown C. to grow D. to have grown

37. In an hour, we can travel to places _____ would have taken our ancestors days to reach.

A. where B. when C. which D. what

38. My parents were quarrelling about me ____ I could not quite tell why.

A. since B. though C. if D. until

39. He spoke proudly of his part in the game, without mentioning ____ his teammates had done.

A. what B. which C. why D. while

40. _____ automatically the e-mail will be received by all the club members.

A. Mailed out B. Mailing out C. To be mailed out D. Having mailed out

41. You can see the stars on a clear night, but in the daytime they are _____.

A. unavoidable B. invisible C. inaccessible D. unavailable

42. When Jane began to take swimming lessons, her main _____ was the fear of water.

A. evidence B. crisis C. obstacle D. danger

43. Try not to start every sentence with “the”. _____ the beginnings of your sentences.

A. Vary B. Decorate C. Form D. Describe

44. I hope I will not be called on in class as I’m not yet _______ prepared.

A. attentively B. readily C. actively D. adequately

III. Cloze

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.


Several years ago, well-known writer and editor Norman Cousins became very ill. His body ached and he felt constantly tired. It was difficult for him to even __45__ around. His doctor told him that he would lose the ability to move and eventually die from the disease. He was told he had only a 1 in 500 chance of survival.

__46__ the diagnosis(诊断), Cousins was determined to overcome the disease and survive. He had always been interested in medicine and had read a book, which discussed the idea of how body chemistry and health can be damaged by emotional stress and negative __47__. The book made Cousins think about the possible __48__ of positive attitudes and emotions. He thought, “Is it possible that love, hope, faith, laughter, confidence, and the __49__ to 1ive have positive treatment value?”

He decided to concentrate on positive emotions as a way to treat some of the symptoms of his disease. In addition to his traditional medical treatment, he tried to put himself in situations that would __50__ positive emotions. “Laugh therapy” became part of his treatment. He __51__ time each day for watching comedy films, reading humorous books, and doing other activities that would draw out __52__ emotions. Within eight days of starting his ‘‘laugh therapy” program his pain began to __53__ and he was able to sleep more easily. He was able to return to work in a few months’ time and __54__ reached complete recovery after a few years.

45. A. run B. pass C. move D. travel

46. A. Besides B. Despite C. Without D. Beyond

47. A. attitudes B. beliefs C. goals D. positions

48. A. shortcoming B. harm C. benefit D. interest

49. A. emotion B. pain C. fear D. will

50. A. bring about B. set about C. put up D. make up

51. A. afforded B. appointed C. offered D. arranged

52. A. positive B. approving C. strong D. mixed

53. A. escape B. decrease C. shrink D. end

54. A. generally B. especially C. actually D. presently


“When a customer enters my store, forget me. He is King, ’’said John Wanamaker, who in l876 turned an abandoned railway station in Philadelphia into one of me world’s first department stores. This revolutionary concept __55__ the face of retailing(零售业) and led to the development of advertising and marketing as we know it today.

But convincing as that slogan was, __56__ the shopper was cheated out of the crown. __57__ manufacturing efficiency increased the variety of goods and lowered prices, people still relied on advertisements to get most information about products. Through much of the past century, ads spoke to an audience restricted to just a few radio or television channels or a __58__number of publications. Now media choice, has __59__ too, and consumers select what they want from a far greater variety of sources—especially with a few clicks of a computer mouse. __60__ the internet, the consumer is finally seizing power.

As our survey shows, __61__ has great implications for companies, because it is changing the way the world shops. Many firms already claim to be “customer-driven” or “consumer-centred”. Now their __62__ will be tested as never before. Taking advantage of shoppers’ __63__ will no longer be possible: people will know—and soon tell others, even those without the internet—that prices in the next town are cheaper or that certain goods are inferior. The internet is working wonders in __64__ standards. Good and Good and honest firms should benefit most.

55. A. changed B. maintained C. restored D. rescued

56. A. in time B. in truth C. in case D. in theory

57. A. Just as B. The moment C. If D. Although

58. A. 1imited B. minimum C. sufficient D. great

59. A. disappeared B. existed C. exploded D. survived

60. A. According to B. Thanks to C. But for D. Apart from

61. A. consumer power B. product quality C. purchasing habit D.manufacturing efficiency

62. A. information B. investment C. claims D. shops

63. A. generosity B. knowledge C. curiosity D. ignorance

64. A. raising B. lowering C. abandoning D. carrying

IV. Reading Comprehension

Directions: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them mere are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one mat fits best according to me information given in me passage you have just read.


Cara Lang is 13. She lives in Boston, Massachusetts, in me U. S. Last Thursday, she didn't go to school. She went to work with her father instead. Every year, on the fourth Thursday in April, millions of young girls go work. This is Take Our Daughters to Work Day. The girls are between me ages of 9 and 15. They spend the day at work with an adult, usually a mother, father, aunt, or uncle. They go to offices, police stations, laboratories, and other places where their parents or other family members work. Next year, the day will include sons, too.

The Ms. Foundation, an organization for women, started the program about ten years ago. In the U.S., many women work outside the home. The Ms. Foundation wanted girls to find out about many different kinds of jobs. Then, when the girls grow up, they can choose a job they like.

Cara's father is a film director. Cara says, “It was very exciting for me to go to the studio with my dad. I saw a lot of people doing different jobs.” Many businesses have special activities for girls on this day. Last year, Cara went to work with her aunt at the University of Massachusetts. In the engineering department, the girls learned to build a bridge with toothpicks and Candy. In the chemistry department, they learned to use scales. They learned about many other kinds of jobs, too.

Right now, Cara does not know what job she will have when she grows up. But because of Take Our Daughters to Work Day, she knows she h2Ls many choices.

65. What is Cara's father?

A. An engineer. B. An official. C. A moviemaker. D. A professor.

66. According to the passage, Take our Daughters to work Day is ______.

A. on every Thursday in April B. a holiday for girls of all ages

C. a day for girls to know about jobs D. a day for girls to get a job easily

67. On this special day, Cara has done all the following EXCEPT that ____.

A. she learned to use scales B. she worked as an actress

C. she went to work with her aunt D. she used toothpicks and Candy to build a bridge

68. What is probably the best title for the passage?

A. Cara Lang, a Fortunate Girl B. Take Our Daughters to Work Day

C. Children's Day and Work Day D. Ms. Foundation, an Organization for Women


Nervous suspects(嫌疑犯) locked up in Britain's newest police station may feel relieved by a pleasant yellow Colour on the door. If they are close to confessing a crime, the blue on the wall might tip the balance.

Gwent Police have abandoned colours such as greys and browns of the 20th-century police cell(牢房) and have used colour psychology to decorate them.

Ystrad Mynach station, which recently opened at a cost of£5 million, has four cells with glass doors for prisoners who suffer from claustrophobia(幽闭恐怖症). Designers have painted the frames yellow, which researchers say is a calming colour. Other cells contain a royal blue line because psychologists believe that the colour is likely to encourage truthfulness.

The station has 31 cells, including 12 with a “live scan” system for drunken or disturbed prisoners, which detects the rise and fall of their chest. An alarm alerts officers if a prisoner's breathing stops and carries on ringing until the door is opened.

Designers and psychologists have worked for years on colour. Blue is said to suggest trust, efficiency, duty, logic, coolness, thinking and calm. It also suggests coldness and unfriendliness. It is thought that strong blues will stimulate clear thought and lighter, soft colours will calm the mind and aid concentration.

Yellow is linked with confidence, self-respect and friendliness. Get the colour wrong and it could cause fear, depression and anxiety, but the right yellow can lift spirits and self-respect.

Ingrid Collins, a psychologist who specializes in the effects of colour, said that colour was an “energy force”. She said: “Blue does enhance communication but I am not sure it would enhance truthful communication.”

Yellow, she said, affected the mind. Red, on the other hand, should never be considered because it could increase aggression. Mrs Collins praised the designers for using colours in the cells. Gwent is not the first British force to experiment with colour to calm down or persuade prisoners to co-operate. In the 1990s Strathclyde Police used pink in cells based on research carried out by the US Navy.

69. The expression “tip the balance” in paragraph 1 probably indicates that the blue might ____.

A. let suspects keep their balance B. help suspects to confess their crimes

C. make suspects cold and unfriendly in law court D. enable suspects to change their attitudes to colours

70. Which of the following colours should NOT be used in cells according to me passage?

A. Pink. B. Yellow C. Blue. D. Red.

71. Which of the following helps alert officers if someone stops breathing?

A. Scanning equipment. B. Royal blue lines. C. Glass doors. D.Yellow frames.

72. The passage is mainly concerned with ______

A. the relationship between colours and psychology B. a comparison of different functions of colours

C. the use of colours in cells to affect criminals’ psychology

D. scientific ways to help criminals reform themselves in prison

73. The word “talion” in introducing the book Eye for an Eye is probably a concept of ______.

A. medicine B. trade C. avenging D. striving

74. The book entitled A History of Modern Indonesia has focus on _______.

A. 1andscapes and tourist attractions in Indonesia B. its fourth largest population in the world

C. its relatively unfamiliar and understudied economy D. its social and political aspects in modern times

75. What do these books have in common?

A. Their authors are introduced in detail. B. They all have a hard back and a paperback.

C. Each of them is commented by a professor. D. They are published by the same publishing house.


The “Bystander Apathy Effect” was first studied by researchers in New York after neighbours ignored—and in some cases turned up the volume on their TVs—the cries of a woman as she was murdered(over a half-hour period). With regard to helping those in difficulty generally, they found that:

(1) women are helped more than men;

(2) men help more than women;

(3) attractive women are helped more than unattractive women.

Other factors relate to the number of people in the area, whether the person is thought to be in trouble through their own fault, and whether a person sees himself as being able to help.

According to Adrian Furnham, Professor 0f University College, London, there are three reasons why we tend to stand by doing nothing:

(1) “Shifting of responsibility”一the more people there are, the less likely help is to be given. Each person excuses himself by thinking someone else will help, so that the more “other people’ there are, the greater the total shifting of responsibility.

(2) “'Fear of making a mistake'’一situations are often not clear. People think that those involved in an accident may know each other or it may be a joke, so a fear of embarrassment makes them keep themselves to themselves.

(3) “Fear of the consequences if attention is turned on you, and the person is violent.”

Laurie Taylor, Professor of Sociology at London University, says: “In the experiments I’ve seen on intervention(介入), much depends on




文章首句22个词。并非是一个短句。而且句中没有生僻词汇,也没有复杂句式。但是却没有出现本文的主题词汇summer vacation 。却巧妙地运用了forget about classroom bells and set off for grandparents homes, sleep-away camps and lifeguard stands这样的描述,引出了下面可能的主题。此处正常来说不会设立命题点,因为单从本句看,没有命题点需要的支撑信息。甚至读者也可以跃过此句直接阅读下文,因为接下来的but summer vacation 提示主题内容开始描述了。首句中可以通过阅读学习的短语为forget about ,set off for,sleep-away camps,life guard stands。假如此处欲命题的话可以命制一个简单推断题,但是干扰项不好设计。而此句在写作情感上属于比较欢快的文字,用于句首平衡了文章在语意上的表达风格。

接下来But引出的转折意义并非是首句的直接转折而是引出本文的核心阐述脉络。以三个关键转折时间点为依托,突出summer vacation 的发展历程,以及每一个阶段的特点。也就是说从此处开始文章主要以时间顺序来描述。层层递进。

第一个时间点Before the civil war ,关键信息neither of which included a summer vacation ,rural ,urban……。此处命题人命制24题:

24. What did the rural school calendar before the Civil War allow children to do?

A. Enjoy a summer vacation.

B. Take a break each quarter.

C. Have 48 weeks of study a year.

D. Assist their parents with farm work.

本套试卷阅读理解部分命题人均采用了问答式提问。大约看了一下提问风格,没有特别的测试学角度意义,应该只是命题人的个人喜好而已。本题题干部分信息很完整了,个人甚至认为因为题干信息提示过多,这条题目的干扰项会是一种“倾向于绕脑的考查”,而不是纯粹的对文章主题信息的理解程度的考查。看选项,BC项是描述当时的urban school 相应情况的,所以题干限制在rural上,A项的设置还是比较好的,有对于文中信息neither of which 部分的一个理解误判的可能性。答案是D项。

接下来是时间标志词in the 1840s,而命题人也是根据三个时间发展段的相关信息来设计命题点的。文章脉络没有特殊分析价值,看试题25题干依然是全包含具体信息题干,关键词educational reformers ,in the 1840s,基本就完全制约限制了读者的思维,只需要根据提示回读原文信息即可。此题的特点是,选项B项的设置为原文信息第一段Rural(农村的)schooling was divided into summer and winter terms, leaving kids free to help with the farm work in the spring planting and fall harvest seasons.和本段中that rural schooling was not enough ,甚至可以说直接根据后者就可以否定,这种干扰项命题方式属于民间所说的原文信息反面paraphrase ,既然not enough,自然不能再shortenen 了,此干扰项的设置还可以算作阅读理解范围内的可能误判而出现的信息误差点,尽管选项内容和题干内容的信息提示都过度具体,但是可以接受。C项在原文信息链中是不存在相关信息支持的。从原文介绍summer vacation 到此处promote the study of farming,基本没有逻辑和思维关联性。原文提示farming calendar 是改革的措施之一。D项也是“张冠李戴”式的干扰项设置,原文it offered a rest for teachers,而rest则在summer vacation 的信息链条上。这就是信息链条紧密结合相关主题的阅读模式,可以有助于此类阅读理解命题的理解和解答。答案A。A项的确认可以从文章发展脉络以及第二段整体信息可以推测出来,也就是“先无后有”,而通过常识也知道summer vacation 是存在的了。

25. What did the educational reformers do in the 1840s?

A. They introduced summer vacation.

B. They shortened rural school terms.

C. They promoted the study of farming.

D. They advocated higher pay for teachers.

按照时间发展顺序看接下来一段信息,modern age,为了便于直观理解把本段内容复制过来:But people's opinion about the modern U.S.school year, which averages 180 days,is still divided. Some experts say its pleasant but lazy summer break, which took hold in the early 20th century, is one of the reasons math skills and graduation rates of U.S. high schoolers ranked well below average in two international education reports published in 2007. Others insist that with children under increasing pressure to devote their downtime to internships(实习)or study, there's still room for an institution that protects the lazy days of childhood.看段落衔接词But从语篇分析角度这是一个对于之前信息的转折,也就是说,上面的信息内容传递的核心含义在此段会有转折性的表述,此处以people’s opinion 的形式出现,而首句中的180days,school year暗示假期也是180days,根据逻辑解读判断,此假期时间是比较长的。而此句当中divided的运用说明相关观点是有分歧的,所以26题当中提到了some people unhappy 也就是其中一部分人的观点。看接下来的一个长句Some experts say its pleasant but lazy summer break, which took hold in the early 20th century, is one of the reasons math skills and graduation rates of U.S. high schoolers ranked well below average in two international education reports published in 2007. 首先作者采用了expers的观点,且提到了two international education reports published in 2007,作者如此写作的目的是为了证明观点的权威性,增加可信度。pleasant but lazy 即可以根据紧接着的举例而肯定所要强调的是lazy带来的后果。此句尽管略长,但没有影响阅读的生僻词汇和句式,所以基本可以掌握传递的信息。到此处可以完成26题:

26. Why are some people unhappy about the modern U. S. school year?

A. It pushes the teachers too hard.

B. It reduces the quality of education

C. It ignores science instruction.

D. It includes no time for internships.



本文文本选取还是可以的,内容为中学生相关,且具有跨文化差异性,可以辅助了解美国中学summer vacation 的相关信息。文章写作风格比较平铺直叙,按照时间顺序进行罗列,因此结构比较清晰,围绕核心话题论述比较紧凑,信息链明确。但由于文章风格是细节描述非常多,所以留给读者的深层次阅读和推理审辨阅读理解的空间不大。命题人全部设置了完全细节问答模式,把阅读者思维限制在局限范围内。题目设置优点在于干扰项的设置,大多比较巧妙(通俗说比较绕),避免了细节题目可能的弱干扰或者无效干扰。本篇作答特点是题干——原文——正确答案。尽量减少在干扰项上的徘徊。























记叙文:首句交待4个W(when, where, who , what);













一. 词汇知识的运用(各类词的用法及搭配、词语辨析)


1)动词的结构功能(vi./vt./linkv., 接什么样的宾语,能否接复合宾语,接什么样的复合宾语)

eg (1). But by using literary texts alongside other texts, teachers can 42 students improve their reading skills.

A. force B. help C. get D. wish

析:选B。只有help 可接help sb.do sth.



(2)(Father)“Kate and John, a friend of mine is coming here to see me this evening, and I wish to be with him. Will you go up to your own room?”We ,went to our room and closed the door.

A. punished B. trembled C. obeyed D. replied


2.代词(不定代词/指示代词; 人称代词/物主代词/反身代词/疑问代词/关系代词/相互代词等)

1.不定代词(some, any, no, somebody, anybody, nobody, no one, one, none, something, anything, nothing ; all, every, each, other, either, neither, both, half, everybody, everyone, everything ; many, much, few, little, a few等)

2.指示代词(that, this, these, those, such ,same, so one 代[C] 泛指,指非限定的一个;可代人/物

that 代[C] 特指;不可代人;代[U]

this 近指,后指 that 远指,前指

(3) is the sports programme. 开始体育节目。

(4) is the end of the news. 新闻到此结束。

Keys: (3)This 4)That



1)词的搭配能力(rise/raise, hope/wish)

如:demand (of sb.) to do sth. pick one’s pocket request/require sb. to do sth. rob sb. of sth. steal sth. from sb.


如:voice/sound/noise; defend/protect/guard ,ask/beg,kill/murder等


如:die 中性词,pass away 表示对死者的尊敬


look for/search 重过程 find/discover 重结果


如:be used to do sth./be used to doing sth./used do sth.

take place/take one’s place/take the place of can’t help do sth./can’t help doing sth./can’t help but do sth.


如:notice:表无意识行为,observe/watch/see 表有意识行为


1)动词的搭配(do 和make的搭配能力较强,要常记,记牢,记熟)

do(a job, work, shopping, cooking, reading, typing, sewing, good, wrong, damage, harm, a favor, an injury, etc.)

make(a study, an appointment, arrangements, a breakthrough, a call, a comparison, contribution, a deal, a decision, a discovery, distinction, a guess, preparations, a start, a start, a survey, an attempt, an error, a profit, a fortune, a living, one’s way, sense, point, peace, bed, coffee, a fuss, etc.)



lucky dog 幸运儿 right hand得力助手narrow escape死里逃生 dark horse出人意料的获胜者


有些形容词可以加一个形容词修饰,表示强调,使表达更加生动。常见的有:pitch dark(漆黑的), brand new (崭新的),crystal clear(水晶般的) ,wide open(张得大大的), fast asleep(睡得很熟的), wide awake(完全醒着的), icy cold(冰冷的), etc.


sick for 渴望 tired from因 而疲劳 engaged in 忙于

sick of 厌倦 tired of 对 厌倦 engaged to 与某人订婚





(5)First of all he was a window-cleaner and in his first week he managed to six windows.

A. rub B. drop C. break D. clean

析:D同源词复现,由window-cleaner可知为clean the window.

2. 同现


1) 名词同现:与一个话题或一个名词出现在同一个语境的另一个名词。如:

school---primary school—middle school—college—university


2) 动词同现:与一个话题或一个名词出现在同一个语境的另一个动词。如:

school—teach—learn—attend—found—drop out—graduate—be dismissed



4) 结构同现


some…,others; on one hand…,on the other hand; former…,latter; so…that; not only…but also; hardly/scarcely…when…; no sooner…than…; be about to do /be doing /had done /be on the point of doing/be to do/be ready to do/be on the way … when…; (6)I put my head in, expecting the (worst). But to my (surprise), the room wasn’t empty at all. It had furniture, curtains, a TV, and even paintings on the wall. And then on the well-made bed sat Amy, my new __44__, dressed neatly.

A. roommate B. classmate C. neighbor D. companion

析:A名词同现,从room, furniture,等同现信息可知。

(7)We were __42____ to go back for class again when the headmaster called us ( together) and said, …42. A. about B. able C. sorry D. sure

析:A结构同现,be about to do …when…




in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what’s more, what’s worse, to make matters worse , to make things worse , worse still


in the same way, as with, similarly, equally, in comparison, just as


in contrast, on the other hand, instead, however, nevertheless, unlike, on the contrary, while


because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result (of), so, thus


certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, especially in particular, absolutely,


although, though, after all, in spite of


for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, by way of illustration.

8. 时间和空间

afterward, after, first, later, then, soon, finally, at last outside, near, beyond, above, below, on the right(left), in the middle, opposite, in front of

9. 总结

to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, in summary


























































(其卷面总分为120分,最终成绩按总分135分进行折算,即:卷面总分120分× 1.125=135分,四舍五入取整数计分。)































第一节 基础写作





第二节 读写任务









































 这些语气词有:must, always, never, the most, all, only, have to, any, no, verycompletely, none, hardly等。


 这些语气词有:can, could, may, should, usually, might, most(大多数),more or less, relatively, belikely to, possible, whether or, not necessarily 等。






































 冠词:a, an, the

 介词:in, on, at, with, as(作为), before, after, by, from, through, to, for等

 代词:one, another, other, both, none,I, we, you等人称


 (1) and, or, but,however (用于两个完整的句子之间)

 (2) that, which,who, whom, whose, when, where, why (引导定语从句)

 (3) that, whether,if, whose, which, who, what, when, where, how, why (引导名词性从句)

 (4) when, before,after, until, while, because, so, if, unless, although, as (引导状语从句)


 1. 缺主语或宾语,一定是填代词或名词(多考代词)

 例:She did not hesitate for long : although her father smoked a pipe only once in a while, she knew that this was a present which was bound to please( ). (2009年广东高考)


 2. 如果句子基本结构完整,名词前面无限定词(冠词、不定代词和形容词性物主代词),则设在该名词前的空格很大可能是填限定词。

 例:It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty (960?1279) was very anxious to help( )rice crop grow upquickly. (2008年广东高考)

 解析:名词rice crop前还没有限定词,应当填限定词;根据句意,这个急性子人当然是急于使“他的”禾苗长得快,故填形容词性物主代词his。

 3. 如果句子基本结构完整,名词或代词在句中既不作主语、表语,也不作动词的宾语时,其前面的空格通常是填介词。

 例:When Jane got home, with her small but well-chosen present in her bag, her parents were already ( )table having supper. (2009年广东高考)

 解析:分析句子知道名词table在句中不作主语、宾语,也不作were的表语,空格处应填介词,使table成为介词的宾语;根据having supper确定应填介词at,at table表示“在餐桌边,在进餐”,是固定搭配。

 4. 如果两个句子(即两个主谓结构)之间没有分号或句号,也没有关联词连接或引导,则填并列连词或从属连词。

 例: He was very tired from/after doing this for a whole day, ( ) he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” higher. (2008年广东高考)

 解析:两个句子间是逗号且无关联词连接,则空格处一定是填关联词;再根据前一句他感到very tired和后一句子的very happy得出前后为转折关系,确定填并列连词but。

 5. 和it有关的一些特殊句型也是判断纯填空题的一个重要技巧。


 例:She remembered how difficult ( ) was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father.

 解析:分析句子可知,宾语从句中真正的主语是后面的不定式to choose?,空格处应填入作形式主语的it。

 (2)根据强调句结构:“It is/was+被强调部分+ that/who+句子剩下部分”,来判断空格处填it还是that。

 例: ? and ( )was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldn?t eat MSG. (广州一模)



 将it is/was...与连接词去掉,句子仍然完整正确,就为强调句型。



 (1) 给出的提示词为动词时,考生应首先分析句子结构,判断该动词在句中是谓语动词还是非谓语动词,或者是否需要转换词性等,然后再具体解题。

 例: ? people stepped on your feet or ( ) (push) you with their elbows, hurrying ahead to get to a bargain. (2009年广东高考)



 例:Her mother was excited. “You father has at last decided to stop smoking,” Jane( ) (inform). (2009年广东高考)

 解析: 主句没有谓语,考时态和语态;根据文章意思可知Jane是“被”她母亲告知父亲决定戒烟的,确定应用一般过去时和被动语态,填was informed。

 (3)如果句子已有谓语动词,给出的动词提示词也不作并列谓语时,则考查非谓语动词,这时要根据句子所缺成分和非谓语动词各自用法特点,选择动词-ing 、动词-ed 和不定式,具体确定方法如下:


 例:For example, the proverb, “ plucking up a crop( )(help) it grow”, is based on the following story. (2008年广东高考)

 解析: 分析结构可知句子已有谓语is based,help在此为非谓语;根据句子意思,把禾苗拔高的目的是帮助它们长高,确定用不定式作目的状语,填to help。


 例:But Jane knew from her past experience that her( ) (choose) of ties hardly ever pleased her father.(2009年广东高考)




 考察形容词和副词的比较等级。一般来说,如果有表示范围的in/of介词短语,用最高级;than的前面要用比较级,但考生要特别注意的是,在特定语境中, “than+ 比较对象”和表示比较范围的of/in短语常常被省略。

 例:The water was simply the container for an act of kindness and love. Nothing could be __39__(sweet)”.(2010年广东高考)

 解析: 由语境可知,这水是好心和爱的表现,没有什么比它更甜了,这是省略了than the water的隐性比较级,确定填sweeter。


 例:His teacher took a deep drink, smiled ( ) (warm), and thanked his student very much for the sweet water. (2010年广东高考)

 解析: 修饰动词smiled要用warm的副词形式,确定填warmly。










 同时,整张试卷的时间分配也要有所讲究。150分满分,平时考七八十分的同学,CD两篇可适当加速,为其他题目留些时间。听力满分的同学,听力的第二遍建议你快速去做点单选语法填空。Be clever!









 五、无惧“没语感” 背下至少6篇完形


 六、答题技巧 善于利用选项分布

 几乎所有的标准化考试,选项都必须是平均分布的。如果我们在做题时,发现完形的选项出现了3377这种分布,铁定要把一些CD改成AB. 所以建议各位考生,遇到拿不准的选项,一定要有标记!否则太容易把对的改错了。一般来说,完形选项数量不会出现除了456以外的数字。

 七、取他山之石 攻写作


 八、完善知识结构 每天抄写文章


 九、坚持练字 提交清爽卷面






 How to Improve Vocabulary Fast

 Your vocabulary refers to the words in a language you are familiar with. We should learn some ways to expand it.

 Read every day. 36 Choose reading material that is slightly above your level and keep a dictionary with you to look up words you do not know.

 37 If you do not meet with an unfamiliar word in your daily reading, use your dictionary to search for one.

 Learn the correct definition and pronunciation for each new word. Pronunciation is as important as definition because in order to add a word to your active vocabulary, you must be able to use it in speech.

 Elaborate(阐释)on the meaning of the word. Use imagery and personal relevance. If you have just learned the word ?stubborn?, think about the neighbor who will not lend you his car. 38

 Use your new word in speech and in writing. E-mail your sister about how your cat is stubborn about sleeping on your pillow. 39 But the more you use it, the more fluent you will become in its use. Soon it will be a regular part of your active vocabulary.

 Tell everyone you are trying to increase your vocabulary. Encourage them to ask you what your latest word is. 40 The more you explain the meaning of a word to someone, the more likely you are to remember it.

 A. Or let them ask for the definition of a new word you have used.

 B. Your vocabulary contains the words you understand.

 C. The vocabulary can be increased.

 D. Imagine him shaking his head, and think of him as ?stubborn in his refusal?.

 E. The first time you use a new word in speech, it may seem clumsy and forced.

 F. Find a new word every day

 G. The more often you read, the faster your vocabulary can grow.


 第一节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


 Do you know insurance? Buying insurance is a 41 by which people can protect themselves 42 large losses. Protection against fire is one kind of insurance. Large numbers of people pay 43 sums of money to an insurance company. Although thousands of people have paid for fire insurance, only 44 will lose their homes by fire. The insurance company will pay for these homes out or the sums of money it has 45 .

The first modern fire insurance company was 46 in London, England in 1666. A great fire had just 47 most of the city, and people wanted protection against 48 losses. The first company 49 rapidly. Soon other companies were founded in other areas.

 Benjamin Franklin helped form the first fire insurance company in America in 1752. He also 50 a new kind of insurance for 51 . The new insurance would offer protection against the loss of crops 52 storms.

 In 1795, Benjamin Franklin helped start 53 new insurance company in America. This company, 54 offered life insurance, collected some money 55 from many different men. 56 a man died, his family was given a large sum of money. Today, this company is 57 in business.

 Over the years, people have 58 from many new kinds of insurance when they have suffered from 59 accidents as car and plane crashes. 60 , almost everyone has some kind of insurance.

 41. A. way B. firm C.consideration D. means

 42. A.. from B. against C. with D. beyond

 43. A. small B. huge C. much D. little

 44. A. many B. little C. few D. a few

 45. A. stole B. collected C. lent D. brought

 46. A. built B. found C. formed D. organized

 47. A. destroyed B. hurt C. harmed D. wounded

 48. A. farther B. further C. wider D. longer

 49. A. risen B. rised C. grew D. turned

 50. A. suggested B. determined C. asked D. demanded

 51. A. farmers B. workers C. waiters D. doctors

 52. A. with B. by C. from D. for

 53. A. other B. certain C. another D. some

 54. A. where B. which C. whom D. that

 55. A. commonly B. usually C. regularly D. ordinary

 56. A. If B. Although C. Unless D. Because

 57. A. always B. still C. hardly D. seldom

 58. A. paid B. offered C. bought D. benefited

 59. A. many B. so C. such D. that

 60. A. Today B. Generally C. Lately D. Tomorrow






 Polar bears are suffering in a 61 (warm) world.

 Polar bears live in environments too cold for most animals. 62 much of the year, they live and hunt on the frozen Arctic sea ice. Nature has prepared 63 for the cold conditions. But nothing has prepared the bears for the danger that 64 (threat) the only home they know.

 The polar bears? world is melting. Studies show that the polar ice has reduced by 9.8% every 10 years 65 1978. Now about 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears live in the Arctic. Polar bears depend on the sea ice for their 66 (survive). ?The sea ice is more than just this platform that the bears walk over,? says Andrew Derocher, 67 scientist who studies North American polar bear populations. ? 68 it, they can?t exist.?

 Some melting and refreezing of the polar ice is natural. 69 in a warmer world, these cycles speed up, and bears have less time to hunt. Normally, they have three months in the spring when they gain more weight. The extra fat is used later, 70 the bears are not actively hunting.

 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)




 删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


 注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分;

 3. 错误类型不涉及单词拼写。

 Good relationships between teachers or students are important to teaching and learning. Only with good relationships can student and teachers cooperate well.

 Good relationships depended on both sides. On the one hand, students should respect teachers and our hard work. They should polite to teachers and ready to following their advice. On an other hand, teachers should be kindly, friendly and patient to students. They must be responsible on their teaching and help students. If both sides treat to each other in a friendly way, teaching and learning in class will be highly efficient.


 假如你叫李华,你和父母在英国旅游期间于1月28日至30日入住Forest Hotel酒店,但对其提供的服务不满意,请发电子邮件给酒店的管理者进行投诉,要求其道歉并改进服务质量。

 1. 搬运工送到房间的皮箱破损;

 2. 卫生间漏水;

 3. 楼下酒吧有噪音,并持续到很晚,影响休息。

 注意:1. 文章必须包括所有要点。可适当增加细节,以使文章连贯。

 2. 词数120.

 3. 参考词汇:搬运工porter n; 皮箱suitcase n; 漏水leak vi.



 1~5.BACBA 6~10.BBCCA 11~15.CCABA 16~20.CABCB



 A. 21?24 CDCA B. 25?28 DABA 29?32 BBCD 33--35 DBA

 第二节(共12.5,每小题2.5分):36?40 GFDEA


 第一节 完型填空(共30分,每小题1.5分):

 41-45 DAADB 46-50CABCA 51-55ABCBC 56-60 ABDCA

 第二节 语法填空(共15分 ,每小题1.5分):

 61.warmer 62.For/During 63.them 64.threatens 65.since 66.survial 67.a 68.Without

 69.But 70.when

 第四部分 写作(共35分)

 第一节 短文改错(共10分每小题1分):





 5.should改为should be





 10.treat to 去掉to

 第二节 书面表达(共25分):One Possible Version

 Dear Manager,

 My name is Li Hua. I stayed at your hotel, Forest Hotel, during my visit to the UK from Jan 28 to 30 with my parents. However, the service in your hotel left much to be desired. I?m writing this email to express my opinion.

First, we found our suitcases broken after they were carried to our room by one of your porters. Second, water was leaking out of the toilet in the bathroom. Third, the noise from the bar downstairs went on so late into the night each night that we couldn?t get good rest.

 For the above reasons, I have to say that the service in your hotel is of poor quality. Therefore, I would like to receive a written apology from you. Meanwhile, I hope you can improve your service in the future so that none of the above happens again.

 Yours sincerely,


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