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with复合结构高考题,with 复合结构用法题目

tamoadmin 2024-06-27 人已围观

简介1.动词ing形式作宾语补足语造句?2.with复合结构与分词做状语有啥区别拜托各位了 3Q3.高考英语基础写作技巧4.2005高考英语全国卷三(四川,云南卷)完形填空答案及解析5.高中英语问题。with的复合结构中,with后面接主格还是宾格6.新概念英语三中有这样一句话"With some children,small sums of money go a long way".7.英语学习资料


2.with复合结构与分词做状语有啥区别拜托各位了 3Q




6.新概念英语三中有这样一句话"With some children,small sums of money go a long way".

7.英语学习资料:2015年高考英语一轮复习题库:Module6 Unit 3

with复合结构高考题,with 复合结构用法题目


一介词with、二with复合结构、三独立主格结构、四动词独立主格结构、五with/without 引导的独立主格结构总结如下。with结构也称为with复合结构,首先要与介词with的用法区别开来。先让我们全面了解介词with的用法。


with prep.其主要词义包括“有, 以, 用, 同...,由于, 和...一致, 赞成, 关于......” 等21种词义。

1. the company of; accompanying:和,陪伴:在…陪伴下;随同:2.Did you go with her?你跟她一起去吗?Next to; alongside of:在…旁边,同…在一起:stood with the rabbi; sat with the family.与教士站在一起,与家人坐在一块儿3.Having as a possession, an attribute, or a characteristic:带着,带来:作为所有物、属性或特点具有:arrived with bad news; a man with a moustache.带来坏消息;留络腮胡子的男人4.In a manner characterized by:以…方式:performed with skill; spoke with enthusiasm.很有技巧地表演;热情地说话5.In the performance, use, or operation of:使用:在…的表现、使用或运行中:had trouble with the car.汽车出了毛病6.In the charge or keeping of:负责,照料:left the cat with the neighbors.把猫托邻居照顾

7.In the opinion or estimation of:以…的观点或估计:if it``s all right with you.如果你没异议的话8.In support of; on the side of:支持,赞同:I``m with anyone who wants to help the homeless.我支持任何想帮助流浪汉的人7.Of the same opinion or belief as:和…一致:与…有相同观点或信仰:He is with us on that issue.在那个议题上他和我们观点一致8.By the means or agency of:用:通过…的方式或媒介:eat with a fork; made us laugh with his jokes.用叉子吃饭;以他的笑话引我们发笑9. In spite of:尽管:

With all her experience, she could not get a job.尽管很有经验,她还是找不到工作10. In the same direction as:与…同向:sail with the wind; flow with the river.顺风起帆;顺河而流11. At the same time as:与…同时:gets up with the birds.与鸟儿同时起床12. In regard to:关于,对于:We are pleased with her decision. They are disgusted with the situations.她这样决定,我们很高兴;他们对现状很厌恶13. Used as a function word to indicate a party to an action, a communicative activity, or an informal agreement or settlement:和…:用作功能词表示某个动作、交流活动或非正式协议或决定的一方:played with the dog; had a talk with the class; lives with an aunt.与狗玩;和班上的同学谈一谈;与姑母住在一起14. In comparison or contrast to:与…相比;与…对照:a dress identical with the one her sister just bought.和她姐姐刚买衣服同一款式15. Having received:收到,获得:With her permission, he left. I escaped with just a few bruises.获得她允许后,他离开了。我逃跑时只受了一些擦伤16. And; plus:和;加上:

My books, with my brother``s, make a sizable library. 我的书加上的弟弟的书能够办成一个不小的图书馆了.17. Inclusive of; including:包括:It comes to $29.95 with postage and handling.包括邮资和手续费总共是29.95美元18. In opposition to; against:反对;对抗:wrestling with an opponent.与对手摔跤19. As a result or consequence of:结果,后果:trembling with fear; sick with the flu.害怕的发抖;感染了流行性感冒20. So as to be free of or separated from:分离,离开:为脱离,为与…分开:parted with her husband.与她丈夫分手21. In the course of:在…的过程中:We grow older with the hours.我们随时光流逝而长大


with复合结构是由with+复合宾语组成,常在句中做状语,表示谓语动作发生的伴随情况、时间、原因、方式等。其构成有下列几种情形:1 with + 名词 (或代词) + 现在分词,此时,现在分词和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的主谓关系。例如:With prices going up so fast, we can``t afford luxuries. 由于物价上涨很快,我们买不起高档商品。(原因状语)With the crowds cheering, they drove to the palace. 在人群的欢呼声中,他们驱车来到皇宫。(伴随情况)2 with + 名词 (或代词) + 过去分词,此时,过去分词和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的动宾关系。例如:I sat in my room for a few minutes with my eyes fixed on the ceiling. 我在房间坐了一会儿,眼睛盯着天花板。(伴随情况)She had to walk home with her bike stolen. 自行车被偷,她只好步行回家。(原因状语)

3 with + 名词 (或代词) + 动词不定式,此时,不定式表示将发生的动作。例如:With no one to talk to, John felt miserable. 由于没人可以说话的人,约翰感到很悲哀。(原因状语)With a lot of work to do, he wasn``t allowed to go out. 因为还有很多工作要做,他没有被允许外出。(原因状语)

4 with + 名词 (或代词) + 形容词I like to sleep with the windows open. 我喜欢把窗户开着睡觉。(伴随情况)With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it``ll rain presently. 大气这样闷,十之八九要下雨。(原因状语)5 with + 名词 (或代词) + 介词短语With the children at school, we can``t take our vacation when we want to. 由于孩子们在上学,所以当我们想度假时而不能去度假。(原因状语)The soldier had him stand with his back to his father. 士兵让他背朝着他的父亲站在那儿。(行为方式)6 with + 名词 (或代词) + 副词He fell asleep with the light on. 他睡着了,灯还亮着。(伴随情况)The boy stood there with his head down. 这个男孩低头站在那儿。(伴随情况)

请见下面的高考试题中出现的几个相关句子:1 The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back.

2 And thousands of terrified watchers stared with their hearts beating fast.

3 With nothing to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out. 4 With production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.


go with

[中考]伴随,与 …… 协调

with great care


agree with sb..


agree with sb/to+V.


be angry with


be angry with sb.


be busy with / doing sth.


be careful with


be covered with


be fed up with


be friends with

[中考]对 …… 友好,与 …… 交上朋友

be pleased with


be strick with +sb/in +sth


begin with


come up with


communicate with


compare with


deal with


decline with thanks


do with

[中考]处置, 处理

fall in love with


fill with


get on well with

[中考]与 ……相处融洽

go on with / doing sth.


help sb. with sth.


in line with

[中考]与 …… 一致,按照

interference with


keep company with

[中考]与 …… 交往,与 ……

keep/hold pace with

[中考]跟上,与 …… 同步

make friends with


meet with


play with

[中考]以 …… 为消遣,玩弄

quarrel with


shake hands with


take up with

[中考]和 …… 交往,忍受,采用

talk to / with sb


talk with

[中考]与 ……交谈

with delight


with one voice


with one's own eyes


with pleasure


with respect to


with the exception of

[中考]除 …… 之外

with the help of


with the help of /with one's help


with the purpose of


work out =come up with

[中考]做出, 算出, 制定出

to start with

[中考] 首先;作为开始

chat to / with sb.

[中考] 和某人聊天

get on (well) with


go on with one's work


help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth.

[中考]在……方面帮助…… 帮助……做

play with snow


agree with sb.


with one's help


with the help of …


with a smile


in step with


chat with


be filled with anger


argue with sb. about sth.


get on well with sb.


go to the hill with sth.


come along=come with sb.


make friends with sb.


say with a smile


What's wrong with you

[中考]?=What's the matter with you? 你怎么了?

move to Washington with his family


help sb. with sth./help sb. do sth.


argue with sb. = have an argument with sb.


have a fight with sb.=fight with


get on /along well with


argue with ...


be busy with sth.

[中考] 忙于...

be filled with

[中考] 充满

be popular with sb.

[中考] 受某人欢迎

be strict with sb.

[中考] 对某人要求严格

be strict with sb. in sth.

[中考] 某方面对某人严格

catch up with sb.

[中考] 赶上某人

chat with sb.

[中考] 和某人闲谈

fall in love with sb. /sth.

[中考] 爱上什么

get along well with sb. = get on well with sb.

[中考] 与某人相处得好

get along with sb. = get on with sb.

[中考] 与某人相处

offer / provide sb. with sth.

[中考] 给某人提供

sb. spend sometime with sb.

[中考] 花了多少时间陪谁

talk with sb.

[中考] 和某人说话

travel with sb.

[中考] 和某人去旅游

with the help of sb.

[中考] 在某人的帮助下

have a conversation with sb.

[中考] 与...谈话;交谈

be cross with sb. at sth.

[中考] 因某事和某人发脾气

with the development of industry

[中考] 随着工业的发展

be familiar with sth.

[中考] 对...而熟悉

with great force

[中考] 用很大力气

play a joke with sb.

[中考] 和某人开玩笑

be mad with joy

[中考] 欣喜若狂

meet with a storm

[中考] 遇到风暴

have no money with sb.

[中考] 某人身上没(带)钱

have nothing to do with

[中考] 与...无关

be patient with sb.

[中考] 对某人有耐心

play with sb.

[中考] 与...一起玩

have something to do with

[中考] 与...有关系

supply sb. with sth.

[中考] 向某人供应/提供

have a word with sb.

[中考] 和某人说句话

agree with

[高考]同意,与...取得一致, 与...相一致;适合

along with


assist sb. with sth.


be acquainted with


be busy with


be comparable with


be concerned with


be familiar with


be generous with


be in love with


be satisfied with


bear with


check with


combine with


come out with


connect with


consult with


end up with


equip with


fall in with


feed with


finish up with


get away with


get in with


go along with


go off with


have done with


have sth. to do with


have to do with


hold with


in accordance with


in comparison with


interfere with


join hands with


keep friends with


keep in touch with


keep up with


make a deal with


make away with


make peace with


make progress with


put up with


run away with


run over with


to begin with


together with


with might and main


with regard to


with system


with the view of


with young


go on with


good with


have a word with


have words with

[高考](=quarrel with)和...发生口角,与...争吵(用于贬义)

satisfied with

[高考]对...满意(=pleased with)

shy with


start with


with safet


was pleased with


play with fire


in harmony with


shake hands with sb.


begin/start with


fight with sb.


come to terms with sb.


make (establish) a connection with


in connection with ...


come into collision with

[高考]和...相撞 / 冲突 / 抵触

in collision with


live with


get along with


disagree with


catch up with


get on with


meet up with

[大学]v. 偶遇

do away with


cope with


be bound up with

[大学] 与…有密切关系

come to terms with

[大学] 达成协议;妥协,让步

credit with

[大学] 把…记入贷方

play the devil with

[大学] 弄糟…;使失败

down with

[大学] 打倒;把…拿下

engaged with

[大学] 与…有事商谈

finish with

[大学] 完成,结束

go hard with sb.

[大学] 使某人为难(或痛苦)

identify with

[大学] 认为…等同于

on a level with

[大学] 和…同一水准

make off with

[大学] 携…而逃

take order with

[大学] 安排,处理

keep pace with

[大学] 与…齐步前进

take part with

[大学] 与…站在一边,袒护

see with

[大学] 同意

stuff with

[大学] 用…把…堵住

be in sympathy with

[大学] 赞同,同情

take issue with sb.

[大学] 与某人争论

keep terms with sb.

[大学] 同某人交往

be thick with

[大学] 充满;与(某人)很亲密

can do with

[大学] 满足于;希望得到

close with

[大学] 靠近,逼近;接受

be disgusted with

[大学] 讨厌…,厌恶…

fix in with

[大学] 适合,符合;适应

fool with

[大学] 玩弄;乱摆弄

take issue with

[大学] 与…争论

make do with

[大学] 凑合用,吃…来凑合

have trouble with

[大学] 同…闹纠纷

with child


lie with

(责任, 权力等)在于..., 属于..., 是...的职权

handle with kid gloves

灵活处理, 温和、小心对待

with confidence


be with it


familiar with


toy with


break with


with pride


with attention

留心地, 注意地

with reason


part with


done with


with patience


flirt with

法 调戏, 调情, 卖俏

sympathize with


fiddle with


dispense with


collide with


Banana and Orange Blended with Ice


with复合结构与分词做状语有啥区别拜托各位了 3Q



When I walked into the office, I saw a girl using my computer.


The poor man begged from door to door, with a lot of children following behind.


The next morning she found the old man lying in bed, dead.

现在,我们再来看一看上面两道高考题。第一题意思是“彼得刚才收到一封信,信上说他祖母很快就要来看他。”此题考查动词-ing形式作定语,故选C。 第二题中smell与flower之间为主动关系,故用动词-ing形式作定语,所以答案为B。


with结构是许多英语复合结构中最常用的一种.学好它对学好复合宾语结构、不定式复合结构、动名词复合结构和独立主格结构均能起很重要的作用.本文就此的构成、特点及用法等作一较全面阐述,以帮助同学们掌握这一重要的语法知识. 一、 with结构的构成 它是由介词with或without+复合结构构成,复合结构作介词with或without的复合宾语,复合宾语中第一部分宾语由名词或代词充当,第二部分补足语由形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式或分词充当,分词可以是现在分词,也可以是过去分词.With结构构成方式如下: 1. with或without-名词/代词+形容词; 例句:He is used to sleeping with the windows open. 2. with或without-名词/代词+副词; 例句:She left the room with all the lights on. 3. with或without-名词/代词+介词短语; 例句:He walked into the dark street with a stick in his hand. 4. with或without-名词/代词 +动词不定式; 例句:With so much work to do, I have no time for a holiday. 5. with或without-名词/代词 +分词. 例句:We found the house easily with the little boy leading the way.(现在分词表示主动动作,即分词所表示的动作是由with后的宾语发出来的) With all the things she needed bought, she went home happily.(过去分词表示被动,with后面的宾语与过去分词之间是被动关系) 6. without+名词/代词+补语 例句:Possibly this person died withont anyone knowing where the coins were hidden. He wondered if he could slide out of the lecture hall without anyone noticing (him). 分词作状语的理解技巧 可以肯定地说,分词的状语用法是所有分词用法中最重要的,也是最难掌握的.历年的高考英语考题也说明,分词作状语的用法是所有分词用法中最常考的.因此,本文拟对分词作状语的用法作一小结和分析,同时归纳一些行之有效的做题方法和理解技巧,以帮助同学们掌握其用法. 一、用作时间状语 1. 典型例句 Seeing the cat, the mouse ran off. 见到猫,老鼠就跑了. The work finished, he went home. 工作做完后,他就回家了. 2. 理解技巧 分词(短语)用作时间状语通常可转换成时间状语从句(引导时间状语的从属连词需根据句意来确定),如上面两句也可转换成: When [As soon as] the mouse saw the cat, it ran off. After the work was finished, he went home. 3. 高考实例 When _______ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. (2006浙江卷) A. pared B. being pared C. paring D. having pared 分析此题答案选C,分词短语when paring different cultures相当于时间状语从句when we pare different cultures. 二、用作原因状语 1. 典型例句 Being very weak, she couldn't move. 她由于身体虚弱而不能行动. His car broken down, he had to walk. 他的车坏了,所以只好走路. Much discouraged, she moved on to London. 她很沮丧,搬到了伦敦. 2. 理解技巧 分词(短语)用作原因状语通常可转换成由as, because, since, now that 等引导的原因状语从句,如上面三句也可转换成: As she was very weak, she couldn’t move. Because his car broken was down, he had to walk. Because she was much discouraged, she moved on to London. 3. 高考实例 (1) ______ with so much trouble, we failed to plete the task on time. (2006四川卷) A. Faced B. Face C. Facing D. To face 分析答案选A.现在分词短语faced with so much trouble可转换成原因状语从句because we were faced with so much trouble. (2) ______ for the breakdown of the school puter network, Alice was in low spirits. (2006福建卷) A. Blaming B. Blamed C. To blame D. To be blamed 分析答案选B.现在分词短语blamed for the breakdown of the school puter network可转换成原因状语从句because she was blamed for the breakdown of the school puter network. 三、用作条件状语 1. 典型例句 Working hard, you will succeed. 如果努力工作,你就可以成功. Adding them all up, we can find the answer. 如果把它们加起来,我们就可以得到答案. United, we stand; divided, we fall. 团结则存,分裂则亡. Given more time, we could have done it better. 如果多给点时间,我们可以做得更好. 2. 理解技巧 分词(短语)用作条件状语通常可转换成由从属连词if引导的条件状语从句,如上面几句也可转换成: If you work hard, you will succeed. If we add them all up, we can find the answer. If we are united, we stand; if we are divided, we fall. If we had been given more time, we could have done it better. 3. 高考实例 ______ time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player. (2003北京春) A. Having given B. To give C. Giving D. Given 分析答案选D.give 与其逻辑主语 he 是动宾关系,用过去分词,故选 D.分词短语 Given time 可转换成条件状语从顺 If he is given time. 四、用作让步状语 1. 典型例句 Although living miles away, he attended the course. 虽然住在几英里以外,他仍去上课. Defeated, he remained a popular boxer. 虽然被击败了,他仍是一个受欢迎的拳击手. 2. 理解技巧 分词(短语)用作让步状语通常可转换成由从属连词though, although, no matter…等引导的让步状语从句,如上面两句也可转换成: Although he lived miles away, he attended the course. Thought he was defeated, he remained a popular boxer. 3. 高考实例 No matter how frequently ______, the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world. (2006广东卷) A. performed B. performing C. to be performed D. being performed 分析答案选A.现在分词短语performed在此相当于they are performed.No matter how frequently they are performed的意思是“无论它们(指贝多芬的作品)被演奏多少次”.五、用作伴随状语 1. 典型例句 He sat in the chair reading a newspaper. 他坐在椅子上看报. Don't you sit there doing nothing. 别什么也不干坐在那里. He came in, followed by his wife. 他走了进来,后面跟着他的妻子. 2. 理解技巧 理解“伴随状语”的关键是要理解“伴随”二字.分词(短语)用作伴随状语时,它表示的动作伴随句子谓语动作同时发生,即句子谓语所表示的动作为主要动作,分词短语所表示的动作伴随性的次要动作. 3. 高考实例 (1) Don’t sit there ______ nothing. Come and help me with this table. (2006湖北卷) A. do B. to do C. doing D. and doing (2) My cousin came to see me from the country, ______ me a full basket of fresh fruits. (2006安徽卷) A. brought B. bringing C. to bring D. had brought (3) Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, always ______ the same thing. (2006江苏卷) A. saying B. said C. to say D. having said (4) We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, ____A___ that all children like these things. (2006全国卷) A. thinking B. think C. to think D. thought 分析以上四题答案分别为CBAA. 六、用作方式状语 1. 典型例句 He earns a living driving a truck. 他靠开卡车谋取生. I'm returning you letter as requested. 我按要求给你退信. 2. 理解技巧 分词(短语)用作方式状语与用作伴随状语的情形比较接近.有时用作方式状语的现在分词可以转换成by doing sth的结构,如上面第一句也可换成: He earns a living by driving a truck. 注:近几年高考对分词用作方式状语的情形考得较少. 七、用作结果状语 1. 典型例句 He fired, killing one of the passers-by. 他开枪了,打死了一个过路人. He died, leaving his wife with five children. 他死了,留下他妻子和五个儿子. It rained and rained, vehicles bogged and bridges washed out. 雨不停地下,车辆陷入泥沼,桥梁被水冲去. 2. 理解技巧 分词(短语)用作结果状语时,通常可转换成并列句,如上面两句也可转换成: He fired and killed one of the passers-by. He died and left his wife with five children. (from nmet168 ) It rained and rained, and vehicles were bogged and bridges were washed out. 3. 高考实例 (1) He glanced over at her, ______ that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together. (2005广东卷) A. noting B. noted C. to note D. having noted 分析答案选A,此句也可换成:He glanced over at her and noted that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together. (2) Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, _____ a record US$ 57.65 a barrel on April 4. (2005山东卷) A. have reached B. reaching C. to reach D. to be reaching 分析答案选B,此句也可换成:Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year and reached a record US$ 57.65 a barrel on April 4.






 1. 写作题材贴近考生的学习和生活。



 2. 写作的体裁主要是故事性描述和应用文。


 3. 内容呈现的方式具有半封闭性。


 4. 用5句话表达。




 1. 通篇浏览,把握整体。






 2. 集中兵力,各个击破。


 a) 一个句子首先要找清楚主谓宾,然后想办法拓展这句话,把其他的信息加进去。运用复杂句子的能力。

 b) 一个句子有且仅有一个谓语(并且谓语)。


 I writing the letter to complain about I bought the shoed recently.




 More than 50% of the students in China are short-sighted, which ranks the first in the world.


 具有递进关系的并列句, 如由and,then,besides,in addition, furthermore,moreover, what?s more等连接的并列句;

 具有转折关系的并列句,如由but,however,on the contrary, after all等连接的并列句;

 具有平行选择关系的并列句,如由both?and?,as well as,as well,neither?nor?or,either?or?,not only?but also?等连接的并列句。


 More than 50% of the students in China are short-sighted and it ranks the first in the world.

 第三类是一些特殊句型,如使用非谓语动词、强调句、倒装句、含有with复合结构的句子、there be开头的句子、以形式主语it开头的句子等。


 More than 50% of the students in China are short-sighted, ranking the first in the world.

 c) 想办法为作文加分。

 1. 多多使用各种连词,使文章更为连贯。

 顺接/递进:Firstly/ secondly/thirdly, besides, in addition, what?s more, what?s worse, what?s more important, moreover, also, finally, last but not least,.

 转折:but, however, nevertheless(然而), yet, instead, on the other hand, on the contrary, although, while

 原因:because, because of, since, as, for, now that, thanks to, due to

 结果:so, therefore, as a result, so that, then, so ?that, such ?that

 总结:to sum up, to conclude, in conclusion, in summary, finally, in a word, in general, in short, above all, after all, generally speaking,

 2. 多使用高级词汇,句式和短语进行变换,不要重复使用一个句式和短语。同时要注意避免常见错误:

 1)不要为了减少句数而不断使用逗号,一定要通过从句,连词,非谓语等来减少句数。 如:It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields. 改为:

 It was raining hard, so they could not work in the fields.

 They could not work in the fields, because it was raining hard.





 经历 心情

 被接纳为亚运会志愿者 兴奋

 01 同位语从句: The news that I was accepted as the volunteers for the Asian Games made me very excited.

 02 宾语/主语从句: It made me very excited / I felt very excited that i had been accepted as the volunteers for the Asian games.

 03 状语从句: When i heard that i had been accepted as the volunteers for the Asian Games, i felt very excited.

 04 定语从句: I was accepted as the volunteers for the Asain Games, which made me very excited.

 05 非谓语动词: Hearing that i had been accepted as the volunteers for the Asian Games, i felt very excited.

 06 普通连词:I was accepted as the volunteers for the Asian Games and i felt so excited about it.

 07 倒装句/强调句:It was last week that i was accepeted as the volunteers for the Asian Games and I felt so excited about it.


 第一节 基础写作 (共1小题,满分15分)



 参考词汇:改革开放 reform and opening up


 1. 只能使用5个句子表达全部所给要点;

 2. 报道中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。

 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 To celebrate the great achievements in the past 30 years of reform and opening up,a speech contest organized by Senior Two was held in the gymnasium of our school on the afternoon of March 15th, 2010. More than 1200 people were lucky to listen to the speeches on the spot, including all the teachers and students in Senior 2, the leaders of our school and parents of some students. Eighteen contestants / candidates from different classes in Senior Two delivered wonderful speeches very fluently. Some of them talked about the great changes which had taken place in our country through their personal experiences and others sang high praise for the wise policy of reform and opening up by comparing the present of their hometowns with the past. This activity made us more confident and proud of our country and we all made up our mind to study harder to build our country more beautiful.



 假设你是李华,昨天下午参加了英语才艺大赛(Talent Show),并获得一等奖。以下是参加情况及获奖感受:

 1. 看别人比赛时:紧张;

 2. 自己表演时:想起Mike数月的努力与帮助,冷静;

 3. 在最有挑战的问答环节:谨记Mike的建议,顺利;

 4. 宣布结果时:兴奋,遗憾Mike不在场。



 1. 告知获奖;

 2. 介绍参赛情况;

 3. 表达获奖感受。





 Dear Mike

 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Please accept my warmest thanks. I look forward to your return to China.


 Li Hua

 Dear Mike,

 I?m writing to let you know that I won first prize in the English Talent Show yesterday afternoon. Before it was my turn I watched the others and got very nervous. But when I was on the stage, I thought of all your efforts to help me during the past few months and gradually calmed down. Although the question-and-answer section was the most challenging, I got through it quite smoothly by remembering all your suggestions. When the judge announced the result I was very excited but it was really a pity you were not there.

 Please accept my warmest thanks. I look forward to your return to China.


 Li Hua


 Ⅳ 写作(共两节,满分40分)

 第一节 基础写作(共1题;满分15分)
















 火星:the Mars





 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


 Ⅳ 写作(共两节,满分40分)

 第一节 基础写作 (共1小题;满分15分)




 姓 名:Allan Stewart

 国 籍:澳大利亚








 *硕士学位:master?s degree; **博士:doctor





 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________










 1. 把你要写的内容要点用九到十句的汉语表达出来。

 2. 逐一地进行翻译,不是用简单句,而是要刻意地去想。




 1)This book was so interesting that I read it again and again.

 2)This was such an interesting book that I read it again and again.

 3)This was so interesting a book that I read it again and again.

 4)So interesting was this book that I read it again and again.



 如果征收门票,需要建大门、围墙,会影响城市形象。 这句话中肯定?收?那个动作很多同学不会表达,那能不能想一个转义的方式,既避开了?收?这个动作还能表达原句的含义。

 A wall and a gate have to be built if there is an entrance fee, which doesn't help the image of the city.

 这个译文中用一个大家很熟悉的经典句型there be句型化险为夷。





第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


As I drove my blue Buick into the garage. I saw that a yellow Oldsmobile was 21 too close to my space. I had to drive back and forth to get my car into the 22 space. That left

23 enough room to open the door. Then one day I arrived home 24 , and just as I turned off the engine, the yellow Oldsmobile entered its space - too close to my car, 25 . At last I had a chance to meet the driver. My patience had 26 and I shouted at her, “Can’t you see you’re not 27 me enough space” Park father over.” Banging(猛推) open her door into 28 ,

the driver shouted back: “Make me!” 29 this she stepped out of the garage. Still, each time she got home first, she parked too close to my 30 . Then one day, I thought, “What can I do?” I soon found 31 . The next day the woman 32 a note on her windshield(挡风玻璃):

Dear Yellow Oldsmobile,

I’m sorry mistress(女主人) shouted at yours the other day. She’s been sorry about it. I know it because she doesn’t sing anymore while 33 . It wasn’t like her to scream 34 . Fact is, she’d just got bad news and was taking it out on you two. I 35 you and your mistress will 36 her.

Your neighbor,

Blue Buick

When I went to the 37 the next morning, the Oldsmobile was gone, but there was a note on my windshield:

Dear Blue Buick,

My mistress is sorry, too. She parked so 38 because she just learned to drive. We will park much farther over after this. I’m glad we can be 39 now.

Your neighbor,

Yellow Oldsmobile

After that, whenever Blue Buick 40 Yellow Oldsmobile on the road, their drivers waved

cheerfully and smiled.

21.A.driven B.parked C.stopped D.stayed

22.A.complete B.close C.narrow D.fixed

23.A.quite B.nearly C.seldom D.hardly

24.A.hurriedly B.first C.finally D.timely

25.A.as usual B.as planned C.as well D.as yet

26.A.run into B.run about C.run out D.run off

27.A.keeping B.saving C.offering D.leaving

28.A.mine B.hers C.itself D.ours

29.A.For B.With C.From D.Upon

30.A.room B.area C.front D.side

31.A.an instruction B.a result C.an answer D.a chance

32.A.put B.wrote C.sent D.discovered

33.A.working B.driving C.returning D.cooking

34.A.on end B.so long C.like that D.any more

35.A.hope B.know C.suppose D.suggest

36.A.comfort B.help C.forgive D.please

37.A.office B.flat C.place D.garage

38.A.crazily B.eagerly C.noisily D.early

39.A.neighbors B.friends C.drivers D.writers

40.A.followed B.passed C.found D.greeted


21—25 BCDBA 26—30 CDABD 31—35 CDBCA 37—40 CDABB


第三节 完形填空

解析:本篇完型填空和全国A卷完型填空特点相同,是以语境理解考查为主,是“语境能力型”的命题模式,主要考查对上下文的理解,其所设的四个选项往往在语法上都能成立,但从语境来看,却只有一个选项是最合适的。这就需要考生立足语篇环境,树立全局观念,把握逻辑方向。 本文是一篇关于两邻里间因停车车位问题发生口角,而后通过友好方式互相谅解的故事。

21.停放车辆应用park, was parked 表示停放的状态。Stop表示“停下”,“停止”而非“停放”。

22.由上句…a yellow Oldsmobile was parked too close to space.得知停放的位置太靠近我的停车位,所以造成我的停车位有点狭窄,故用narrow。

23.根据上文我的停车位窄, 可知下文窄到剩下了几乎打不开车门的空间。hardly“几乎不”, quite“相当,非常”,nearly“几乎,将近”,seldom“很少”。


25.as usual “象往常一样”。

26.run out “用尽”,此处指失去耐心。

27.leave“留出(给)”,save“节省”, offer“提出”,keep“保存”,此处指留出足够的空间,故选D,另外上文有暗示“That left enough room to open the door

28.对应her door。


拓展: with的复合结构作独立主格

表示伴随情况时,既可用分词的独立结构,也可用with的复合结构:with +



He stood there, his hand raised. = He stood there, with his hand raised.他举手着站在那儿。

The murderer was brought in, with his hands ___ behind his back。

A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied

30.side此处指太靠近我的车位一边。area“地区”,room “空间”不合适。


32.discovered 发现。


34. like that 像那个样子。由上文My patience had run out and I shouted at



36.forgive.“宽恕,谅解”。 作者希望缓解矛盾,因此是请对方谅解,而不是请对方安慰自己。



39.据文章,两辆车在车库经常并排停放,所以两位车的主人都已把对方视为neighbour ,由两张便条的落款也便知这一点。此处指经过互留便条,达到了由原来的邻里争吵而到现在的和解成为朋友。最后一段也可得到印证。


新概念英语三中有这样一句话"With some children,small sums of money go a long way".


he 和 cry 是 逻辑上的 主谓关系。而在 with 复合结构中,he 和 crying是宾语和宾补的关系。

在with复合结构里用代词,该用 宾格。

英语学习资料:2015年高考英语一轮复习题库:Module6 Unit 3

这是属于独立主格结构,或者说是with 的复合结构,属于非谓语范畴

因为With some children,这部分的主语是,孩子们,

small sums of money go a long way".这部分的主语是钱


原理是,with some children (后面可以跟名词,介词,现在分词,过去分词等等)就是不能出现动词,也可以什么也不跟

这里的with 要自行加上动词来翻译

2015年高考英语一轮复习题库:Module6 Unit 3

Understanding each other


1. They have been accustomed to the climate here and ______ a cold bath in winter as well.

A. taking B. to take

C. taken D. take

2. According to the school rules, nobody is permitted ______ in the classroom.

A. *** oking B. to *** oke

C. *** oke D. to be *** oking

3. I don't want to ______ too much of your time, but I do have some important matters.

A. keep up B. pick up

C. make up D. take up

4. The police in Hubei province ______ last Tuesday they had arrested 7 people for their suspected roles in a shooting killing 1 and injuring 10 others on Monday evening.

A. has said B. said

C. had said D. says

5. In the eastern part of New Jersey ______, a major shipping and manufacturing center.

A. the city of Elizabeth lies there

B. around the city of Elizabeth lies

C. there lies the city of Elizabeth around

D. lies the city of Elizabeth

6. — Are your family ready for rafting?

— Yes, I really want my children to experience that ______ they are young. (2013?师大附中月考六)

A. while B. before

C. unless D. if

7. I would like to travel to Tibet. That's ______ I'd do if had enough time and money.

A. which B. why

C. what D. when

8. With two children ______ middle school in the nearby town, the parents are working hard.

A. to attend B. attended

C. attending D. attend

9. — Do you like living here?

— Yes, but I am still ______ to the new time zone.

A. adjusting B. adjusted

C. adapted D. used

10. — Why didn't you answer my phone last night?

— Sorry. I ______ a meeting when you called me.

A. am attending B. was attending

C. attended D. have attended

11. He is never afraid of changes in his life, ______ them as valuable experiences. (2014?长沙一中月考四)

A. viewing B. to view

C. viewed D. having viewed

12. More than 30 cars of the new kind ______ in the first three days after its launch last Saturday. (2014?湖南师大附中月考二)

A. sold B. has sold

C. were sold D. has been selling

13. When the famous singer got there, she did not get the warm ______ she had hoped for.

A. situation B. reception

C. invitation D. celebration

14. The Chinese munity here are shooting off five works in ______ of the Chinese New Year.

A. celebration B. honor

C. memory D. consideration

15. It would have make a lot of ______ if you had told me about it two days earlier.

A. effort B. difference

C. oute D. result



(2013?全国新课标卷改编) Michael Greenberg is a very popular New Yorker. He is not famous in sports or the arts. But people in the streets __1__ him, especially those who are poor.

For those people, he is “Gloves” Greenberg. How did he get that __2__? He looks like any other busines *** an, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase (公文箱). But he's __3__. His briefcase always has some gloves.

In winter, Mr. Greenberg does not act like other New Yorkers, who look at the sidewalk and hurry down the street. He looks around at __4__. He stops when he __5__ someone with no gloves. He gives them a pair and then he moves on, looking for more people with cold __6__.

On winter days, Mr. Greenberg __7__ gloves. During the rest of the year, he buys gloves. People who have heard about him __8__ him gloves, and he has many in his apartment.

Mr. Greenberg __9__ doing this 21 years ago. Now, many poor New Yorkers know him and __10__ his behavior. But people who don't know him are sometimes surprised by him. They don't realize that he just wants to make them happy.

It runs in the __11__. Michael's father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier. Michael Greenberg feels the same. A pair of gloves may be a __12__ thing, but it can make a big difference in winter.

1. A. know about B. learn from

C. cheer for D. look for

2. A. job B. name

C. chance D. message

3. A. calm B. different

C. crazy D. curious

4. A. cars B. people

C. street numbers D. traffic lights

5. A. helps B. chooses

C. greets D. sees

6. A. hands B. ears

C. faces D. eyes

7. A. searches for B. stores up

C. gives away D. puts on

8. A. call B. send

C. lend D. show

9. A. delayed B. remembered

C. began D. enjoyed

10. A. understand B. dislike

C. study D. excuse

11. A. city B. family

C. neighborhood D. pany

12. A. *** all B. useful

C. delightful D. forting


(原创)I have often found it interesting talking to foreigners and learning about the cultural differences between countries. I think 1.__________ is important to know about the customs and traditions of different countries in order to avoid misunderstanding.

Last Saturday, I met a man from France, 2.__________ explained to me how the French greet each other. Now I know the French usually shake hands when they meet. If they know each other very well, they kiss each other 3.__________ the cheek. They shake hands again when they are saying goodbye. It isn't unusual for a French person who you met several minutes ago to e and shake hands with 4.__________ again! This is just one of the many French traditions. If you went to live in France, you might find it hard to adjust 5.__________ their ways.

Almost every culture in the world has its own taboos, and it is important to be aware of them. Breaking a taboo could be 6.__________ experience that will upset those around you. For example, in Japan, “4” and “9” are considered to be numbers that are unlucky, 7.__________ the Japanese words for these two numbers sound like “death” and “suffering”. It would be important to know this if you 8.__________ like to visit Japan on holiday.


(2013?江西) The light from the campfire brightened the darkness, but it could not prevent the damp cold of Dennis's Swamp (沼泽地) creeping into their bones. It was a strange place. Martin and Tom wished that they had not accepted Jack's dare. They liked camping, but not near this swamp.

“So,” Martin asked as they sat watching the hot coals. “How did this place get its name?”

“Are you sure you want to hear it? It's a scary story,” warned Jack.

“Of course!” cried out Tom. “If there were anything to be scared of, you wouldn't have chosen this place!”

“OK, but don't say I didn't warn you,” said Jack, and he began this tale.

Way back in time, a man called Dennis tried to start a farm here. He built that cottage over there to live in. In those days, the area looked quite different — it was covered with tall trees and the swamp was a crystal?clear river. After three hard years, Dennis had cleared several fields and planted crops. He was so proud of his success that he refused to listen to advice.

You are clearing too much land, warned one old man. The land is a living thing. It will hit back at you if you abuse it.

Silly fool, said Dennis to himself. If I clear more land, I can grow more crops. I'll bee wealthier. He's just jealous!

“Dennis continued to chop down trees. Small animals that relied on them for food and shelter were destroyed. He was so eager to expand his farm that he did not notice the river flowing slowly towards his door. He did not notice salt seeping to the surface of the land. He did not notice swamp plants choking all the native plants.”

“What happened?” Martin asked. It was growing colder. He trembled, twisting his body closer to the fire.

“The land hit back — just as the old man warned,” Jack shrugged. “Dennis disappeared. Old folks around here believe that swamp plants moved up from the river and dragged him underwater. His body was never found.”

“What a stupid story,” laughed Tom. “Plants can't…” Before he had finished speaking, he screamed and fainted (晕倒). The other two boys jumped up with fright, staring at Tom. Suddenly, they burst out laughing. Some green swamp ivy (常春藤) had covered Tom's face. It was a while before Tom could appreciate the joke.

1. The underlined word “dare” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.

A. courage B. assistance

C. instruction D. challenge

2. Why did Jack tell Tom and Martin the story?

A. To frighten them.

B. To satisfy their curiosity.

C. To warn them of the danger of the place.

D. To persuade them to camp in the swamp.

3. Why did Dennis ignore the warning of the old man?

A. The old man envied him.

B. The old man was foolish.

C. He was too busy to listen to others.

D. He was greedy for more crops.

4. Why did Tom scream and faint?

A. He saw Dennis's shadow.

B. He was scared by a plant.

C. His friends played a joke on him.

D. The weather became extremely cold.

5. What lesson can we learn from the story of Dennis?

A. Grasp all, lose all.

B. No sweat, no sweet.

C. It is no use crying over spilt milk.

D. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.


(2014?雅礼高三月考一) David Jones is probably not somebody you want to hang out with. Not because he isn't a cool person, but because he is living with 40 deadly snakes.

Jones is living in a room for 121 days with more than three dozen constrictors, green mambas, boomslangs and other deadly snakes in an attempt to set a Guinness world record. The record for most days spent confined to a room with this particular number of snakes is 113, set by Martin Smith in 2008.

“I am hoping people will realize that we can live with these fantastic creatures without fearing and killing them. People e and see me here and are constantly amazed at how I am interact with these animals. The snakes are not restrained in any way and make the full use of the entire room including my bed, shower and toilet,” Jones explains. They mainly hide out in cupboards or on the various makeshift (临时的)branches or bushes that Jones has in their shared quarters. Once a week, someone brings captured mice and rats to offer as a sacrifice to the snakes.

David Jones is forced to move the snakes with a “hook stick” throughout the day, so that he can do things like sitting at his desk or typing on his laptop, his only means of contacting the outside world.

The snakes often drop on his pillow or shoulders as he's trying to work or sleep, but there have so far been no instances of Jones being bitten by one of these deadly snakes. He said, “if I give them respect, we can live together happily.”

Jones is doing this for charity. All the money raised will go to a hospice(收容所) in his hometown of Crawley, near London.

1. What are constrictors, mambas and boomslangs? (No more than 5 words)


2. How is David Jones staying in touch with other people? (No more than 5 words)


3. Why don't the snakes bite Jones? (No more than 6 words)


4. What are the purposes of David Jones's doing so? (No more than 15 words)


Unit 3

Ⅰ.1. A 考查固定搭配。从句末的as well 可知,我们已经习惯了这里的天气也习惯于冬天洗冷水澡。be accustomed to (doing) sth.习惯于某事或做某事。

2. B 考查动词搭配。注意permit 的搭配: permit doing, permit *** . to do。permit 用于被动语态时,要用be permitted to do…

3. D 考查短语动词的辨析。 句意:我不想占据你太多的时间,但是我确实有重要的事情。 keep up 坚持,维持; pick up 捡起,拾起; make up 编造; take up 占据(时间或空间)。

4. B 考查动词时态。由于上个星期二说的,所以用一般过去时。

5. D 考查倒装句。在“主语+谓语+地点状语”的句型中,如果强调地点状语,就把地点状语放于句首,后常用完全倒装的句型,即:地点状语+谓语+主语。

6. A 考查状语从句。experience是及物动词,that作其宾语,其后是一个状语从句。此句的意思是:我想趁孩子们小的时候体验漂流。

7. C 考查名词性从句。what 在此引导的是表语从句。

8. C 考查非谓语动词。children与attend 之间构成主动关系,所以要用现在分词作with复合结构的宾补。

9. A adjust to 适应。

10. B 考查时态。该句用过去进行时符合语境。句意:你给我打电话时,我正在开会。

11. A 考查非谓语动词的用法。 句中的view与主语he是意义上的主动关系,且view在句中充当状语的成分,所以选A。

12. C 考查时态和语态。根据后面的时间状语应在过去时里选择,且主语cars与sell之间是构成被动关系,所以选C。

13. B reception 接待。

14. A in celebration of… 庆祝……

15. B make a difference 产生不同,有区别。

Ⅱ.A 1. A 作者在文章的开头的第一句话告诉我们:“迈克?格林伯格是一个非常受欢迎的纽约人。”四个选项中,能与popular 对应的近义词应为 A. know about (了解,知道关于……的情况)。B.向……学习;C.为……欢呼,加油;D.寻找。

2. B 设空所在句的意思是:对于那些人来说,他是“手套” 格林伯格。他的这个名字是如何得来的呢?故B项name符合上下文语境。

3. B 设空处上下文句意为:“他看上去就像任何其他的商人,穿西装,带着一个公文包。但他也有不同之处。他的公文包里总放有一些手套。”设空处前面的but 非常重要,它表示转折,different表并不一样。

4. B 根据下文作者提到主人公要寻找没有手套的穷人赠送手套,所以他在街上环顾四周要看的是“行人”,B项people 与上下文相符,本段最后一句提到looking for more people with cold ______.也为此作了注解。

5. D 句意为:当他看到没戴手套的人时会停下来。作者上文特别提到“look around”, 而与之相对应的结果应该是“看到”, 所以D为正确答案。

6. A 手套是为冬季感到手冷的人保暖所用,故A项hand与上下文语义相符。

7. C 根据全文可知主人公在冬季纽约街头做的是赠人手套的义举,故C项give away (赠送) 最能表达上述含义。

8. B 设空所在句的句意是:听说他这一义举的人们给他寄去手套,这样他在他的公寓里积攒了许多副(手套),B项send(寄送)符合题意。

9. C 设空所在句的句意为: 格林伯格先生做这一义举开始于21年前。C项begin(开始),符合题意。

10. A 句意为: 现在,许多贫穷的纽约人知道了他,也理解了他的行为。根据作者But后的描述“也有一些人对他的行为产生误解”来看,只有A才是最佳选项。

11. B 设空所在句的句意为:这种义举一直在他们家族内传承。根据下文所述, 主人公的父亲也一向热衷于帮助穷人,可以看出主人公的这一做法是有家庭影响的。

12. A 句意:一副手套可能是微不足道的小事,但它在冬季能产生很大的意义。but前后的句子具有明显的转折含义,所以选A,此句也是整篇文章的寓意所在。

B 1. it 2. who 3. on 4. you 5. to 6. an 7. because/since/as 8. would

Ⅲ.1. D 词义猜测题。根据文章第一段可知这个地方很诡异,Martin和Tom 感到害怕,都希望没有接受Jack的大胆挑战。 A.勇气;B.帮助;C.指导;D.挑战。

2. B 细节理解题。 根据文章第三段和第四段中的“Are you sure you want to hear it?” 和 “Of course!” 可得出答案。

3. D 细节理解题。 根据文章倒数第五段中的“If I clear more land, I can grow more crops. I'll bee wealthier.”可知他想种更多的农作物。

4. B 推理判断题。 根据文章最后一段的“Some green swamp ivy(常春藤) had covered Tom's face.”可知,Tom是因被常春藤的叶子盖到脸部而吓到了。

5. A 主旨大意题。 文章讲到了Dennis太贪婪,不断地开垦土地想把所有土地都种植农作物以获取更多金钱而受到大自然的报复,所以选A(贪多必失)。B.没有汗水,没有收获;C.覆水难收;D.不犯错误的人是不会有收获的。

Ⅳ.1. They are deadly snakes.

2. By using his laptop./Through his laptop.

3. Because he gives them respect./ Because he respects them.

4. To set a Guinness world record and to raise money for charity./He wants to set a Guinness world record and to raise money for charity.

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