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tamoadmin 2024-05-15 人已围观

简介1.山西高考英语口试报名除了英语专业和其他小语种专业的院校,国际贸易和对外汉语专业需要,其他基本都用不到。不过建议最好考一下,基本都能过的,而且填报志愿时也许用得到。 只有报考与英语关系紧密的专业才需要参加英语口试,比如外语、外贸(报考的书上会有提示),你要认识到热爱英语并不一定就适合长期、专业性地学习英语,而且要以此作为营生的职业,而口语考试就是考查你是否具备这方面素质的一次考试,主要考查




只有报考与英语关系紧密的专业才需要参加英语口试,比如外语、外贸(报考的书上会有提示),你要认识到热爱英语并不一定就适合长期、专业性地学习英语,而且要以此作为营生的职业,而口语考试就是考查你是否具备这方面素质的一次考试,主要考查你的音准和即兴表达,考试成绩会作为高校是否录取你为该专业学生的参考,但不会计入总成绩。如果口语成绩太低就可能会被退档,但是口语考试一般不会太严格,只要没有太大缺陷,基本上都能及格,不过好一点的外语类大学会对口语考试有较高的要求。 以后你工作了的话,如果是从事外贸的工作,那它对你的帮助可就大的,你现在基础好,以后就省心很多。 所以还是好好学习口语吧,用到英语的领域是越来越多了。








第10届 高考英语口语人机对话考试题


1. What subject do you like best? Why?

I like english best, because i think it is very interesting and funny.

2. How often do you watch TV?

I watch TV every day.

3. What’s your interest ? Please say something about it.

I like playing basketball best because i think basketball is a very exciting game for us,and i can make myself stronger and stronger by playing basketball.


1. Are you interested in English? Why? /Why not?

Yes, I like it. Because . English is a fun language

2. How are you getting along with your school life?

Great! I like my school life very much. My teachers and classmates are very friendly.They are very kind to me. When I have trouble, they always help me. I study hard and I get good grades.

3.Who is your favorite teacher? Please say something about it.

My favorite teacher is my mach teacher. he is so cute.


1. Is it important to learn English? Why? /Why not?

Yes, for English is one of the most important languages in the world.

2. How many classes did you have in Senior Three every day?

I had ten classes in senior three every day.

3. What do you do to keep fit?

I go to swim everyday.


1. Do you like English? Why?/Why not?

Yes, I like it. Because . English is a fun language

2. What do you think of the English Entrance examination?

It's quite important,for I'll major in English in university

3. Please tell us something about your hometown.

it is best place in the world


1. Do you often play basketball? Why?/Why not?

No,I don’t like play basketball.

2. Which do you like better, watching TV or seeing movies?

Seeing movies.Some movies make me very impressed.

3. Please say something about your family?

There are four people in my family. My father likes singing ,my mother likes cooking,my brother like playing basketball. I have a happy family.


1. Do you enjoy music? Why /why not?

I like music very much.I think The music lets me feel relaxed.

2. What’s your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is English.

3. What do you often do on Sundays.

I often do some sport on Sunday.


1. Do you buy any presents for your parents ?

give they flowers .

2. What sports do you like best?

I like play basketball very much

3. What are you going to do during the summer holidays.

I am going to travel on summer holiday.


1. Do you like your monitor? Why ?/Why not?

yes , I do . Becaude she likes help others .

2. Is your English teacher strict with you in your studies? How?

yes,she has been very strict to me。Treat me like the same to her children。

YES ,that is good for you !

3. How are you getting along with your classmates.

All of them are my good friend。We are happy together


1. Do you often use dictionaries when you learn English?

Yes.sometime study english is hard to insist.

2. What date is your birthday?

My birthday is may 20,1991.

3. How do you like your mother?

love my mother the same as my mother loved me。


1. What kind of music do you like best?

I like country music because it make my heart quiet。

2. What do you think of your English teacher?

She is an amiable but not lack of a strict teather。

3. Who is your best friend? Say something about him or her.

XX is my best friend,she always to help others。


1. Do you often watch TV? Why?/Why not?

I watch TV every day.

2. What are you going to be in the future?

I am going to be a doctor in the future.Because I want to save more people'lives and make them happy.

3. Who is your favorite teacher? Say something about him or her.

My favorite teacher is my mach teacher. he is so cute.


1. Do you often listen to the English programmes? Why?/Why not?

No.i don't like it.

2. What do you do in your spare time?

I ususally surf on the Internet.

3. Do you like your school ? Why ? /Why not?

I like my school,because it is so beautiful.


1. How do you usually spend your weekends?

I ususally surf on the Internet.


哦 这个是先考完在进行口试啊 每年在山西大学进行 走个形式吧 去年我去进行考试,呵呵 ,蛮轻松的。就是总共有3项吧,听说读,每个25分,不过肯定让你过啦。如果你要想报考北外,北语,川外等的话高考听力要听啊 ,因为会参考啊!!!还有就是口试准备吧,每年问答题有些难度啦,临时突击一下也可以啊。。。好多是关于人物评价或者生活一些小事的 。下个资料到mp3里听听模仿吧。还有就是阅读超简单,不要担心,跟高考差不多了。说就是朗诵一段啦,这个更简单啦 。总之这个事是个形式问题啦。关键你要考好文化课。祝你好运啊!!!加油!!!!

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