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tamoadmin 2024-05-19 人已围观

简介哦 还有一件事 我目前上的ABC天丅英语中心的教师和我们说过,事实上要学好英语很简单的。坚持要有一个好的研习空间跟熟练口语对象 最关键就是外教水平 标准口音才行,持续每日口语沟通 1v1家教式辅导才可以有很.好.的进步幅度!课程结束后同样要重复温习课堂录音档,来进一步深化知识 若真的是没有人可以指导 就到 VOA或爱思得到课后材料学习 多说多练迅速的语感就培养起来,学习成长是绝对突飞


哦 还有一件事 我目前上的ABC天丅英语中心的教师和我们说过,事实上要学好英语很简单的。坚持要有一个好的研习空间跟熟练口语对象 最关键就是外教水平 标准口音才行,持续每日口语沟通 1v1家教式辅导才可以有很.好.的进步幅度!课程结束后同样要重复温习课堂录音档,来进一步深化知识 若真的是没有人可以指导 就到 VOA或爱思得到课后材料学习 多说多练迅速的语感就培养起来,学习成长是绝对突飞猛进的!浙江省新高考研究联盟011届第一次联考 英语-参考答案:1— CCDAB —10 DADDA 11—1 DCCBD 1—0 CBDBC1— CADCA —0 BDCAD 1— BCADB —0 DACDA1--- BAAC — DDAC -- ACBA — BDBA—0 BDBC任务性阅读 CBDAF 第一节. 短文改错 Sir,How are you? As a exchange student, I am writing to tell you I would prefer to move into ana single room in next term, as I find it inconvenient to share a room with others. My roommate 去掉inoften held parties at night, made much noise. Besides, s friends are always visiting m, that holds making wchdisturbs me a lot. So I hope to draw your attentions to ts problem. If you tnk in my position, I attentionam sure he will agree that the only solution for me is ∧ get a room of my own, one not in the you tosame building and as near to the school campus as possible. I would be gratefully if you could do but gratefulme the favor.Best wishes. Yours sincerely, Li Ming第二节:书面表达Nowadays, some students would not like to live in a dormitory. Instead, they rent houses outside the school. There are advantages for both. Living in a dormitory can increase the friendsp and cooperation with roommates. And, of course, it is safer. A dormitory is more like a small society, wch enables students to learn to adapt to each other, and prepare for the social life later. As for renting houses to live alone, it’s better for study as you can feel free in your own room without being interrupted by others. As a result, you can have more time to devote yourself to studying whole-heartedly. But there may appear some safety problems as you live outside of the school.Anyhow, as a student, I prefer living in a dormitory.


The trip to that city was eye-opening for everyone, and near its end, all the young people in our group began to reflect on what it had meant. We __21___the first night we had arrived. We had all gone into the markets of the city ___22__the young people could experience its energy. But what we actually saw simply __23__ us all ---- the rundown houses, the children in rags, the people begging for money … Walking home, ___24____ under a low bridge, we came across ___25___ families of homeless people seeking a bit of dry ground to sleep on __26__ the night. We had to step over bodies as we found our way through the darkness.

The poverty(贫困) was __27__ than anything my young companions had ever imagined. Back in the hotel, an air of sadness settled over the group. Many __28__ and cried. Spending time in this ___29__ moves a person to care about humanity.

That evening, our group spent hours talking about what we had ___30___. Gently, I encouraged everyone to talk about the difficult ___31__ that day’s discoveries had inspired. Sitting together ___32__ a circle as everyone had a chance to speak, we all began to realize that __33___ of us was alone in our struggle to cope with our reactions.

Based on my __34___ in poverty-stricken areas, I suggested that __35___ the emotions we had were painful, they could also be important in helping us to move forward. We all__36__ that we had seen things that should never be allowed to happen. ___37___, what could we do about it? Together, we began to brainstorm ways we could help to case the __38__ we had seen. As I encouraged group members to focus on __39__ they could do, a sense of determination __40___ the previous sadness, Instead of despair, these young people began to feel a call to action.

21. A. put up with B. got back to C. looked back on D. made up for


解析作者表示的意思是回顾第一个晚上的情况,look back on 回顾符合语境。 ks5u

22. A. now that B. so that C. as if D. even if


解析我们一行去购物,以便年轻人能够体会到他们参观的这个地方的活力,so that 表示目的,符合题意。

23. A. puzzled B. annoyed C. embarrassed D. shocked

答案D。 ks5u


24. A. marching B. running C. passing D. moving

答案C。 ks5u


25. A. entire B. normal C. average D. general

答案A。 ks5u


26. A. beyond B. with C. till D. for

答案D。 ks5u


27. A. stronger B. deeper C. worse D. less



28. A. gave up B. broke down C. set off D. held on ks5u


解析break down崩溃;give up放弃;set off 出发,引爆;hold on 坚持,所以用break down来表示我们的情感对所见所闻难以接受,以至于崩溃并且大哭。

29. A. environment B. hotel C. house D. background ks5u



30. A. inspected B. attempted C. witnssed D. challenged


解析那天晚上我们一起讨论了我们的所见所闻,witness见证符合题意。 ks5u

31. A. feelings B. decisions C. thoughts D. impressions



32. A. along B. around C. by D. in ks5u


解析sit in a circle 坐成一个圆圈。

33. A. neither B. either C. none D. each ks5u



34. A. experiences B. schedules C. data D. position



35. A. once B. while C. since D. unless

答案B。 ks5u


36. A. supposed B. advised C. confirmed D. agreed ks5u


解析我们都赞成,sb. be agreed某人都赞成的。

37. A. Surely B. Rather C. Now D. Indeed



38. A. burden B. suffering C. anxiety D. difficulty



39. A. how B. where C. what D. when

答案C ks5u

解析what 引导从句做宾语,并且在从句中也充当了宾语。

40. A. replaced B. changed C. covered D. improved




In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things have come to represent, in fact, what I call__21__ and love.

I don't remember my father ever getting into a swimming pool. But he did__22__ the water. A. ny kind of __23__ ride seemed to give him pleasure.__24__ he loved to fish; sometimes he took me dong.

But I never really liked being on the water, the way my father did. I liked being__25__ the water, moving through it,__26__ it all around me. I was not a strong__27__ , or one who learned to swim early, for I had my 28 . But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my father's office and__29__ those summer days with my father, who__30__ come by on a break. I needed him to see what I could do. My father would stand there in his suit, the__31__person not in swimsuit.

A. fter swimming, I would go__32__ his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk, where he let me__33__ anything I found in his top desk drawer. Sometimes, if I was left alone at his desk__34__ he worked in the lab, an assistant or a student might come in and tell me perhaps I shouldn't be playing with his __35__. But my father always__36__ and said easily, "Oh, no, it's__37__ "Sometimes he handed me coins and told me to get__38__ an ice cream ...

A. poet once said, "We look at life once, in childhood; the rest is__39__ "A. nd I think it is not only what we "look at once, in childhood" that determines our memories, but__40__, in that childhood, looks at us.

21. A. . desire B. joy C. anger D. worry

22. A. . avoid B. refuse C. praise D. love

23. A. . boat B. bus C. train D. bike

24. A. . But B. Then C. A. nd D. Still

25. A. . on B. off C. by D. in

26. A. . having B. leaving C. making D. getting

27. A. . swimmer B. rider C. walker D. runner

28. A. . hopes B. faiths C. rights D. fears

29. A. . spending B. saying C. wasting D. mining

30. A. . should B. would C. had to D. ought to

31. A. . next B. only C. other D. last

32. A. . away from B. out of C. by D. inside

331 A. . put up B. break down C. play with D. work out

34. A. . the moment B. the first time C. while D. before

35. A. fishing net B. office things C. wooden chair D. lab equipment

36. A. stood up B. set out C. showed up D. turned out

37. A. . fine B. strange C. terrible D. funny

38. A. . the student B. the assistant C. myself D. himself

39. A. . memory B. wealth C. experience D. practice

40. A. . which B. who C. what D. whose



In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things come to represent, in fact, what I call __21__and love.

21.A. . desire B. joy C. anger D. worry

B。分析:此题有两个突破口,第一个是“and”这个并列连接词,后面是“ love”,所以排除C和D,再结合文章开头和下文,文章开头说“在我的记忆深处,我与父亲一起做的许多事情现在仍然记忆犹新。下文说父亲曾经在游泳池看儿子游泳,游泳之后,儿子去父亲的办公室玩自己喜欢玩的东西。对作者来说当然是快乐的回忆。所以只能选B。

I don’t remember my father ever getting into a swimming tool. But he did __22__the water.

22.A. . a, void B. refuse C. praise D. love

D。分析:根据下文“A. ny kind of __23__ride seemed to give him pleasure.”和“ he loved to fish”,当然是选love。

A. ny kind of __23__ride seemed to give him pleasure.

23.A. . boat B. bus C. train D. bike

A. 。分析:与水有关的当然是乘船。

__24__he loved to fish; sometimes he took me along.

24.A. . But B. Then C. A. nd D. Still


But I never really liked being on the water, the way my father did. I liked being __25__the water, moving through it, __26__it all around me.

25.A. . on B. off C. by D. in

D。分析:此题考查介词。根据“moving through it”,而“it”指的是水,所以选D。

26.A. having B. leaving C. making D. getting

A. 。分析:此题考查非谓语动词和几个相关动词的用法。说实话,此题难度较大。考生会误选B或D。

I was not a strong __27__, or one who learned to swim early, for I had my __28__.

27.A . swimmer B. rider C. walker D. runner

A. 。分析:下文提到游泳,所以选A.

28.A. hopes B. faiths C. rights D. fears


But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my father’s office and __29__those summer days with my father, who __30__ come by on a break.

29.A. . spending B. saving C. wasting D. ruining

A. 。分析:此句的意思是我喜欢在离父亲办公室很近的那个游泳池游泳,与父亲一起度过夏日。其它几个动词意思不符。

30.A. should B. would C. had to D. ought to

B。分析:此题考查情态助动词的用法。此处“would”表示过去常常做某事。“should”意为“应该”,“had to”不得不,“ought to”应该。

I needed him to see what I could do. My father would stand there in his suit, the __31__person not in swimsuit.

31.A. . next B. only C. other D. last


A. fter swimming, I would go __32__ his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk, where he let me __33__anything I found in his top desk drawer.

32.A. away from B. out of C. by D. inside


33.A. put up B. break down C. play with D. work out

C。分析:“put up”意为张贴,搭建,为某人提供食宿;“break down”机器出故障,身体垮掉,感情失去控制,分解。“ work out ”计算出,想出。“play with” 与…玩。小孩子从抽屉里找可以找到的东西,当然是用来玩。

Sometimes, if I was left alone at his desk __34__ he worked in the lab, an assistant or a student might come in and tell me perhaps I shouldn’t be playing with his _35__.

34.A. the moment B. the first time C. while D. before

C。分析:此题考查对语境的理解和从属连词的用法。“the moment”意为“一…就” , “the first time” 第一次,“while” 在此处意为“而,然而”,表示转折对比。

35. A. fishing net B. office things C. wooden chair D. lab equipment


But my father always __36__and said easily, “Oh, no, it’s __37__.”

36. A. stood up B. set out C. showed up D. turned out

C。分析:此题考查动词短语的区别。“stood up”意为站起来,“set out ”出发, 开始, 陈列, 宣布, 移植, 陈述 ,“turned out”结果是,被证明是。只有“showed up”出现,才符合语境。

37. A. . fine B. strange C. terrible D. funny

A. 。分析:“Oh, no, it’s fine .”指的是没关系的,父亲允许儿子玩办公室的东西。

Sometimes he handed me coins and told me to get __38__ an ice cream…

38. A. the student B. the assistant C. myself D. himself


A. poet once said, “We look at life once, in childhood,; the rest is __39__.”

39. A. memory B. wealth C. experience D. practice

A. 。分析:解题的突破口 应该是上文的文章开头的“my memory”和下文的“our memories”,做完形应该瞻前顾后,注意某些词语在文章中的复现。

A. nd I think it is not only what we “look at once, in childhood” that determines our memories, but __40__, in that childhood, look at us.

40. A. which B. who C. what D. whose


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