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简介1.2019年高考英语题目解答2.广西高考是什么卷3.2022年广西高考英语难不难4.广西成人高考学位英语考试内容有哪些?5.广西成人高考专升本英语考试题型及分值?  30. What is the argument over Uber according to the passage?  A. Whether it guarantees customers‘ safety.  B.







 30. What is the argument over Uber according to the passage?

 A. Whether it guarantees customers' safety.

 B. Whether it provides reliable services.

 C. Whether it lowers customers' expenses.

 D. Whether it can compete with standard taxis.

 31. What will be talked about in the following paragraphs?

 A. Existing regulations and laws.

 B. Necessary improvements of current laws.

 C. Further development of Airbnb and Uber.

 D. More downsides of Airbnb and Uber.


 The old shopkeeper led me through to the back of the shop. The room was filled with boxes and dusty photographs of people holding packages in their hands.

 Mr. Hopkins said, ?We have a very wide choice of items for sale. Whenever I serve a new customer, I take their picture.? Mr. Hopkins pointed to an ancient camera on a table.

 I began to appreciate the lovely items on sale. I spent a very pleasant hour being shown the commodities in the shop. Finally, I bought an antique jewelry box, a pair of riding boots and a sewing machine.

 I was very excited that I had found such a good little shop. ?I will tell all my friends about your lovely place,? I told the shopkeeper. ?Please do not do that, sir?, said Mr. Hopkins. ?This is a special place for special people. You must keep this shop a secret.? Then he took my photograph, and handed me the picture straight away.

 ?That was quick!? I exclaimed. In the picture I looked proud and excited holding the presents I had bought there.

 On Christmas Day, my friends and relatives were delighted with the presents I had bought for them. For weeks, my brother begged me to take him to the wonderful little shop. I finally agreed .

 We walked along Oxford Street, passed the department store and found nothing. In its place was an empty space being used as a car park. I checked the area again. There was the music shop, and there was the department store. In between should have been Hopkins and Son, but it wasn?t there.

 Just then an old policeman came . ?Are you looking for something, sir he asked. ?I am looking for a little shop called Hopkins and Son. ?

 ?Oh yes, there was a shop here once called Hopkins and Son. But it was knocked down over 30 years ago.?

 I looked again at the place , and then I reached into my pocket and took out the photograph that Mr. Hopkins had taken of me holding my presents in the little shop.

 ?How strange? I exclaimed.

 32. What did the author think of Hopkins and Son?

 A. Big and modern .

 B. Old and outdated.

 C. Little and dusty.

 D. Lovely and wonderful.

 33. We can infer from Paragraph 4 that Mr. Hopkins ________.

 A. was ashamed of his little shop.

 B. didn?t like his shop to be advertised.

 C. was one of the author?s special friends.

 D. handed the author his picture immediately.

 34. What does the underlined word揷ommoditiesn? refer to?

 A. The goods in the shop

 B. the author?s gifts

 C. Photographs taken by Mr. Hopkins

 D. Packages held by other customers

 35. What can we learn about the shop?

 A. It was closed by the police.

 B. It was well-known in that area.

 C. It was knocked down a few weeks ago.

 D. It was between a music shop and a department store.

 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


 Most people believe they don't have much imagination. They are wrong. Everyone

 has imagination, 36 Here are three techniques to help you regain your imagination

 and creativity from when you were a kid.

 Making connections.

 This technique involves taking unrelated ideas and trying to find links between

 them. First, think about the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do. 37 Think of as many ideas/words associated with candles: light, fire, matches, wax,night, silence, etcas you can and write them down. The next stage is to relate the ideas to the job you have to do.

 No limits!

 38 You have as much time/space/money, etc. as you want. Think about your goal and the new possibilities. If your goal is to learn to ski, for example, you can now practise skiing every day of your life (because you have the time and the money) . Now adapt this to reality. Maybe you can practise skiing every day in December, or every Monday in January.


 Look at the situation from a different point of view. Fiction writers often imagine they are the characters in their books. They ask questions: What does this character want? Why can't she get it? What changes must she make to get what she wants? 40 The best fishermen think like fish!

 A. Being someone else!

 B. Asking questions!

 C. Imagine that normal limitations don't exist.

 D. Then find an image, word, idea or object, for example, a candle.

 E. If your goal involves other people, put yourself in their positions.

 F. but most of us, once we become adults, forget how to make use of it.

 G. and we are on the way to achieving it whether the way is smooth or tough.


 21-23.DAC, 24-27.CAAC, 28-31.CDAB, 32-35.DBAD, 36-40.FDCAE。


When I talked with my grandma on the phone,she sounded weak ,but by the time we___ up ,her voice had been full of life.A,were hanging B,had hung C,happens D,would hang 答案是C,我想知道A为什么不对,我刚打算挂电话,不是很通吗?


by the time引导时间状语从句,在这里were hanging可理解成“要挂电话”,就是将来的意思,跟第四个答案类似。“到了挂电话时(一般过去时表示过去将来的)

By the time he arrives, we will have stayed there, waiting for him.

The boy ____ hot on the forehead ,so he must be sent to hospital at once.

A,is felt B,is feeling C,feels D,has felt 答案是C,为什么不能选B?


I am feeling better.我(此时此刻正)感到好多了。

Late again!Where____?

Sorry ,I ____in the heavy traffic,or I would have been here earlier.

A,were you;have got stuck B,have you been ;have got stuck

C,were you;got stuck D,have you been;got suck



Where were you?

I was in the school.(现在怎样,不知)

Where have you been?你去哪了?(直到现在,了解现在的情况)



If I had not got stuck in the heavy traffic, I would have been here earlier.


这里考察的是动词不定式be to do sth,并且是主动语态,而不是被动语态。


整句都是主动语态,而非被动语态,结合句意所以用to perform.





















成考快速报名和免费咨询: 广西成考网为大家整理了广西成人高考学位英语考试内容有哪些?相关信息!希望所带来的信息能够为大家带来帮助。

学位英语是由各省级高等教育主管部门组织的统一考试,其目的是为了客观地测试本地区非英语专业成人本科毕业生申请学士学位者的英语语言知识和运用能力,考查其是否达到普通本科教育(非英语专业)英语教学的一般要求,是各省市成人高等教育本科毕业生获得成人学士学位的必备条件之一。 广西成人高考本科学士学位英语的考试范围主要参照全日制文理科本科英语教学大纲,所规定的一至三级除说的技能以外的大部分内容。在题型设计上,除英汉互译部分是主观性试题外,其余试题均采用客观性的多项选择题形式。

成考有疑问、不知道如何总结成考考点内容、不清楚成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:成考快速报名和免费咨询: 广西成人高考专升本的考试科目为政治、英语和专业课,其中广西成人高考专升本英语是考生重点拿分的学科。考生需要了解成人高考专升本英语考试题型,从而做好针对性的备考。为了让考生更好地复习备考,广西成人高考网整理出以下相关信息,仅供考生参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


专升本英语考试的总体要求是考生应掌握英语语言的最基本的基础知识。试卷中不同类型的试题考查考生对英语语言掌握的不同方面。语音和补全对话考 查考生的听力和口语的交际能力,语法和词汇考查考生的英语语言基础知识,完型填空和阅读理解考查考生对英语语言的运用和理解,短文写作考查考生综合应用英 语语言的能力及用其表达思想的能力。除此之外,还要求考生有一定量的词汇:3 800单词以及相应的词组。


专升本英语考试的试卷总分是l50分,考试总时间是l50分钟。英语试卷是8 开纸,分左右两面,共7张纸,l4页。


选择题包括:语音、语法与词汇、完型 填空、阅读理解、补全对话。









在考试之前,考生应将大纲规定的语法范围学习好、掌握好。考生应将3800单词记熟,如不能完全记熟,也要做到看到单词知其意思。值得注意的是,除了3800单词,还要注意与之有关的词组、分词及前后缀的使用。一定量的阅读和试题练习是非常必要的。在最后的冲刺阶段,考生应通过一定量的模拟试卷和真题增 加、巩固、提高自己对英语语言基础知识的掌握和运用,并熟悉试卷的格式、试题的类型和难易度以及对答题时间的把握。最后,在应考之前,考生应调整好心境, 冷静思考,充分发挥自己的能力,获得理想成绩。



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